American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 223 J.A.R.V.I.S Are You Kidding Me?

In the sky, Tony was leaning on the Mark x5 and approaching the alley quickly.

Just at the moment, J.A.R.V.I.S suddenly spoke.

"Sir, Miss Pepper has a phone call."

Tony, who was paying attention to the map, was suddenly annoyed.

"What's the situation with this woman, she doesn't come sooner or later, why come at this time?"

Tony's expression was even more cursing.

"Sir, I think it's an opportunity for you that Miss Pepper can take the initiative to call.

"so what?"

"I've already connected you."

"Wait, when?"

"The next second after I notify you."

At the moment Tony discovered that in the lower left corner of the armor data, there was an incoming call message.

Tony's face darkened for a moment.

In other words, the other party heard what he complained about Pepper just now.

"Pepper, listen to me, I'm not..."

beep beep

Before Tony could recover, he only heard the sound of the phone being hung up.

"Sir, she hung up the phone."

"Yes, I know, you don't need to remind me about this kind of thing.

Tony's face was full of helplessness. Today, he set out to carry out the task with full of joy, but Pepper gave him such a place, and he suddenly wanted to die.

But having said that, we still need to see the situation clearly.

Now that everyone is here, why not finish the task assigned by Luo Feng!

For a while, Tony's gaze (bcfd) was on positioning again.

At present, it is three kilometers away from me, and it only takes two or three minutes!

"J.A.R.V.I.S, increase the power system, ready to go full speed!"

In a split second, Iron Man's heel spurted raging flames, and at the same time, his speed increased in an instant!

He flew across the city like a shooting star.

Definitely, if this was at night, many people would have noticed.

But this is daytime, under the scorching sun, this bright flame looks a little pale!

In the alley, I saw that Gwen no longer dodged the green titan's attack, and she even stretched out her arms in the face of that heavy punch, head-on!

"This is the first time I believe what you say. If something is wrong, I will never believe you again."

"It's betting on one of my arms after all!"

"Believe me, I have seen through this guy's attack power!"


I saw the howling wind in the alley, and the two fists clashed. At first glance, everyone would find it incredible.

How can Spider-man's slender body surpass the green titan?

But at the moment when the two fists collided, the liquid of the day and eye symbiosis suddenly covered Gwen's arms.

Gwen felt a punch on the sponge, it was very soft, but she didn't know that it was the symbiote that took all the damage for her!

Seeing this, Gwen's face was filled with surprise.

Venom, on the other hand, had a smug look on his face, "Did you see that? Believe me, you're right!"

Although the arrogance of Venom seems so unbearable, it has to be said that this guy's thoughts are correct.

The symbiote battle suit can really help Gwen punch the green titan.

Suddenly, the green titan was stunned.

He knew how powerful his punch was, but now it was blocked by a small spider?

"This is a return!"

Hearing Gwen's yell, he shot a black sticky cobweb from his wrist.

This cobweb will firmly stick the green titan's hands!

It's so funny to watch like a sinner who has made a mistake!.

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