American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 227 Hard Steel Hulk Smashed

In the manor, Luo Feng participated in the battlefield in real time through the monitoring screen.

The scene before his eyes was even more bizarre.

Luo Feng couldn't help frowning when he saw this, from Gwen to Iron Man, the green titan has evolved four times!

If it evolves further, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Obviously, the green titan is still a challenge for them.

But if they can defeat the green titan, it proves that the two have learned how to contain the enemy!

"Look at Green Titan's current physical condition, don't go head-to-head with this guy!"

"Tony, don't think you won't get hit in the sky, this guy can jump hundreds of meters."

"Gwen, you know, this guy's attack speed may be faster now."

The situation is not optimistic, even from a certain point of view, the two superheroes have already lost!

Thinking of this, Luo Feng was even more helpless.

Luo Feng didn't want to see things develop to this point.

This is the fourth progression of emotions, who knows how strong this guy's destructive power can be now!

In midair, Iron Man was still flying and circling.

After hearing Luo Feng's words, he was even more aggrieved, "You don't think I'll just stay still in the sky, do you?"

As soon as the words fell, the green titan on the ground made a crouching movement.

"What is this guy doing, J.A.R.V.I.S, analyze it."

"Okay sir, we are searching the whole network..."

"Sir, according to information on the Internet, this is a standard action for standing long jump.

This guy is ready to jump!

Tony's expression darkened immediately.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, watch what this guy does.

"Transfer all the energy of the armor to the chest cannon, and adjust the power to the maximum!"

"Okay, transferring energy for you."

On the system operation panel, the part of the chest cannon suddenly shone brightly, which was a symbol of the gradual accumulation of energy.

At the same time, only a loud bang was heard.

The green titan rose from the ground with such a fast speed that even before he could see clearly, this guy had already jumped a hundred meters into the air!

A high jump of hundreds of meters, this is the first time I have seen the temperature control fight with the green titan.

She was suddenly horrified, looking at these in disbelief.

"Fake, is this guy cheating?"

Looking up, I saw the green titan clenched his fists high in the sky, and after reaching a certain height, he fell from the midair at an extremely fast speed!

"Tony, get out of the way!"

"No, this will only make this guy more arrogant!"

"The green titan is obviously coming at me, but that's okay, I've prepared a countermeasure!"

The Iron Man in mid-air was even more motionless, as if to make it easier for the green titan to aim.

At the same time, the power of the battle armor was also adjusted to Lu's maximum, and a ray of light quietly gathered on the chest!

Seeing that the green titan is about to punch Iron Man, the armor will probably be broken into pieces by then, and Zhan Shenrao's power call will be smashed to pieces by this blow!

"It's a risky thing to do, but if you get through it.... I'm (good) sure it won't be easy on the green titan either!"

As he spoke, Tony grinned even more.

Just as he guessed, the target of the green titan was the iron man in mid-air.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Iron Man adjusted the angle immediately, and then aimed at the green titan above.

The chest cannon has been brewing for so long, and Wanni let it out without saying a word!

The brilliant yellow light beams immediately attacked the green titan's face!.

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