American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 232 The Green Titan Is Back To Normal, Banner!

"Can you get out of my body!"


On the side, Banner let out a hoarse roar, but the green titan responded accordingly, and the answer was no.

It was as if the green titan had taken root inside Banner.

Obviously it came from a body change, so could it be that the man in front of him is actually two in one?

At the moment, Iron Man on the side had just checked the information, and when he looked at the green titan again, there was a hint of melancholy in his expression.

"This guy's intelligence is not inferior to mine, but he became like this because of a failed experiment.

"It's a pity. Fortunately, the things I study are not so dangerous."

"Sir, according to system statistics, you have blown up the laboratory no less than three times.

...... so can you just shut up, thank you very much. "

J.A.R.V.I.S is like an honest guy, no matter what Tony says is exaggerated, it will bring real data.

If J.A.R.V.I.S was a real person, Tony would have hit him already.

On the side, after the effect of the sedative bomb, the green titan gradually turned into a Banner, and the last trace of Hulk's consciousness also disappeared!

"What should I say? A big man with green dots has returned to normal before Wei's eyes `"!"

Although he had just seen Banner's profile and even a video of this guy's transformation, Tony was still somewhat shocked when all this was shown in front of his eyes.

Moreover, five sedative bullets were shot into the green titan's body, and it turned him into a human!

Didn't even make it faint?

"J.A.R.V.I.S, remember to remind me when I go back, recite more sedative bombs, if this guy joins our camp, it may be common to lose control and go berserk."

Tony said in his mouth, the so-called unforgiving mouth is probably like this.

On the other hand, Banner stood up in a daze. After he turned into a green titan, all his clothes burst, leaving only a pair of blue-gray pants.

Seeing this, even Gwen couldn't help teasing: "What material are your pants made of, and the quality is so good?"

Turning his head to look, there are two famous superheroes in the city in front of him.

Banner couldn't help covering his head, he didn't even remember what happened after turning into a green titan.

"Hulk didn't hurt you guys? I'm sorry, looks like I have to try to get a better handle on my emotions.

"Hulk? There was only one big green guy fighting us just now."

". "Er......... Actually, that guy is Hulk, and he has his own name. "

Banner smiled bitterly, but judging from the current situation, it seems that the two heroes saved him.

For a moment, Banner looked at Spider-man Iron Man, as if looking at a benefactor.

Obviously, even without Luo Feng's orders, they, as superheroes, would not stand idly by when a big man ran rampant in the city with terrifying power.

(Wang Zhaohao) "Actually, our boss wants to meet you."

Gwen got straight to the point, and Banner still shuddered when he said those words.

"Is there a leader behind all of you superheroes?"

"Why did he come to me? Is it near to count my sins?"

Banner immediately became alert.

And at the moment, a siren suddenly sounded from outside the alley.

It was the police who were called by the gangsters earlier!.

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