American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 248 Unilateral Killing, Miserable Gwen!


High in the air, facing the sudden Hulk, Spider-man received a punch from the front.

Barton in his hand was even thrown away.

Green Titan's current physical condition is stronger than ever before.

The power of this punch is unpredictable!

All I saw was dizziness, and there were even layers of afterimages!

Her ears were buzzing, and the venom seemed to be saying something, but it was a pity that she couldn't hear clearly.

Here is a hundred meters high, and Spider-man is in free fall.

At this height, even if Captain America falls, he will probably be smashed to pieces!

"Wake up, wake up!" 967

Suddenly, Gwen heard what Venom said.

At a certain moment just now, Gwen fell into a brief faint under the attack of the green titan.

This operation can scare Venom half to death.

"My side has helped you resist most of the damage, why can't you resist the rest?"

High in the air, Gwen began to adjust her body direction.

And when he looked up, he saw that the green titan was grabbing the wall and approaching him quickly!

Gwen had a premonition that things were not going well, and the green titan came here this time to take advantage of the victory and chase after him!

He was almost knocked out after being punched, and Gwen couldn't compete with the strength of the green titan At the moment!


A cobweb shot out, but as soon as the cobweb caught something with its front foot, the green titans followed one after another.

Not even giving Gwen a chance to move, the wide palm held Gwen's body tightly in an instant, preventing him from moving!

"Is this power... is it messing with me?"

As Gwen's battle suit, Venom originally wanted to resist a wave, but found that the power of the green titan was completely superior to his own, no matter what it did, Gwen was still motionless!

For a while, Venom gave up, and even began to select candidates for the next host.

The strong physical fitness of the green titan is quite suitable...


Gwen's body was pressed against the wall of the building by the green titan and kept rubbing against it.

As everyone knows, behind Green Titan's actions, the sufferer is actually Venom. (bcbi) After all, it is Gwen's battle suit, and it is also the first line of damage.

In an instant, Venom let out a scream.

Even at the end, when the two of them were approaching the green titan on the ground, they even waved their hands, and walked Gwen straight out!

For a while, the body's sense of weightlessness struck again.

It's just that this time before Pigeon Kiss could adjust his state, he was about to land!

There was only a loud noise, and Gwen's body hit the ground heavily.

Gwen only felt her back split open, and a tingling sensation flooded her whole body!

And the green titan's attack didn't stop there.

This guy is like a berserker, he won't stop until he smashes the enemy into a pulp!

"Gwen! You have to stand up, or we'll die here!"

In this regard, Kunbo was even more anxious.

As the first line of Gwen's body protection, if you want Gwen to die, you have to kill the venom first!

The relationship between the two is more like a bundle sale!

And as for Hawkeye.

He was picked up by Falcon after a brief free fall, but was fine.

In contrast, the Spider-man falling on the ground is really miserable.

"We must help her. She will be beaten to death by Yuan Chenrui!"

Hawkeye can't stand it anymore, anyway, Spider-man was targeted by the green titan because he helped him, and now he is beaten so embarrassingly!

And just when the green titan was about to attack Gwen, a man suddenly appeared and stood in front of Gwen!.

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