American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 27 Gwen's Variation (Seeking Flowers)

On the table.

Gwen and his parents talked about what they saw and heard in Osborn, although the two did not understand very well.

But he still listened carefully to Gwen's narration.

After eating, Gwen picked up the backpack beside her.

"I'm full, let's go back to my room to sort out today's notes."

"Eat slowly..."

Gwen took the backpack and went upstairs.

George watched his daughter go upstairs, and smiled slightly: "It's really my genes, great for studying."

"He is good-looking, I don't know which man will be cheaper in the future."

Helen beside her heard this, and threw down the knife and fork in her hand dissatisfied.

"It's all your fault, it has nothing to do with me."

"Honey, it must be related. What is the word Gwen said just now..."

"Genetic recombination, Gwen is the product of genetic recombination between the two of us."

Helen nodded in agreement.

George continued: "Why don't we recombine the genes tonight."

As she was about to hug her up, Helen blushed, "You're going to die, my daughter is still upstairs..."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Gwen's voice came from the direction of the stairs.

"It doesn't matter to me, you just pretend that I don't exist."

The faces of the two blushed immediately, and George suddenly felt that the majesty he had established was gone...

In the room, Gwen sat at the desk with a glass of warm milk.

She swore that she didn't eavesdrop on purpose.

Just pour warm milk again, George didn't notice her.

But she didn't expect that her father had such a funny side.

"Let's sort out today's notes."

Gwen opened the backpack, reached in and looked through the notes recorded today, when she just reached into the schoolbag.

The little Spider-Man, which was always red and blue, took advantage of the opportunity and climbed into Gwen's hand.

When Gwen took out the notebook, he also noticed the little bug on his hand.


Gwen screamed and waved vigorously.

The red and blue spider was stimulated, and bit Gwen fiercely, trying to stabilize his body.

But Gwen's swing was still too strong.

The spider was thrown out after a while after biting it, and Gwen ran back and forth in fright.

Accidentally stepped on the spider that fell to the ground.

George and Helen, who heard Gwen screaming downstairs, also ran up, opened the door and asked anxiously, "What's the matter, Gwen?"

"Did something happen?"

Only then did Gwen calm down, and looked at her desk and herself.

"It's okay, a bug crawled on my hand just now, I was frightened."

Only then did the two of George feel relieved: "It's fine."

Gwen glanced at George: "Dad, didn't you agree to knock on the door when you enter my room?"

"It wasn't forgotten in a hurry."

Gwen pushed George out: "I'm going to read the notes, so you go with your mother..."

That playful smile made Helen's face flush again.

George didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't react until Gwen closed the door again.

Helen, who was behind him, patted him vigorously: "It's all right now, let my daughter see it as a joke."

In the room, Gwen looked for the bug again.

Originally, her reaction to these was okay, but it was just that she was startled by the sudden appearance in her hands.

After looking around, Gwen found a small stain on the ground.

If you take a closer look, you can still see a few small feet with burrs.

"That's all right now, you scared me and even risked your own life."

Gwen shook her head, picked up a tissue and wiped off the dead bugs on the ground and threw them into the trash can.

After tidying up, he returned to his seat again.

When turning the pages of notes, Gwen found that there seemed to be signs of injury in the position of his tiger's mouth.

"Could it be the bug just now?"

Taking a look at his wound, Gwen picked up the medical kit and did a simple disinfection and ignored it.

When Gwen looked at the notes, she suddenly felt that something was a little noisy.

Looking up, a mosquito was flying past his eyes at an almost hovering speed.

Everything in front of me seemed to slow down.

Gwen shook her head violently before recovering.

"What happened to me just now?"

Before Gwen could think about it, the text on the note became blurred.

And the page left on the note happened to be a note about super spiders.

The spider drawn by her own manuscript began to tremble on the paper as if it had come to life.

Gwen suddenly thought of a possibility.

The bug that bit her just now was poisonous...


Gwen wanted to shout out, but found that her voice was getting smaller and smaller, and finally she fell asleep on the desk in the dark.

In her sleep, Gwen came to a strange space.

There was her reflection in the space, and then a big red and blue spider appeared in front of her.

He opened his bloody mouth and bit down on her.

But Gwen found herself terrified, unable to scream or move.

Immediately afterwards, the big spider disappeared without a trace after one bite.

When Gwen opened his eyes, there was another person not far away.

That figure is...

Luo Feng!

Gwen quickly ran towards Luo Feng, and Luo Feng in the dream also turned around at this moment.

When Gwen saw Luo Feng saw herself, her face was full of fear.

Only then did Gwen notice her own reflection, which was a...

Ugly and ferocious... big spider.

Immediately afterwards, as if he was out of control, he opened his bloody mouth and ate Luo Feng fiercely.


In bed, Gwen woke up from a nightmare.

The silk pajamas on his body were already a little wet due to sweat, and they were just sticking to his skin.

"Why am I in bed?"

"Last night, I obviously..."

Thinking of everything that happened last night, Gwen felt a glance at his own tiger's mouth.

Smooth and tender.

Not to mention the wounds bitten by insects, there is not even a trace of wrinkles.

"Are those all dreams?"

Glancing at the sun outside the window, Gwen changed into her own clothes and went downstairs.

Both parents sit at the table and see Gwen come down.

George said, "Gwen, next time you're too tired from studying, go to bed earlier and don't sleep on the table."

"If your mother hadn't found you falling asleep at the table when delivering the milk, she would help you change into your pajamas and put you to bed."

"You have a cold now."

George's words let Gwen know that those were not dreams last night.

But I couldn't figure out what it was, so I just didn't think about it: "Thank you, Mom..."

"Eat quickly, it's getting late."

"Wait for your dad to take you to school."


The comfortable family atmosphere made Gwen forget what happened last night, and that nightmare...


Ask for flowers~ask for evaluation tickets~ask for comments~ask for rewards

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