American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 263 He Also Has A Superhero Son

In S.H.I.E.L.D, a helicopter descended slowly.

The people in it are all important agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The plane door was slowly opened, and Captain America poked his head out of it.

And agent Hill has been waiting here for a long time.

"I think the director should have told you that there will be a summary after this battle, right?"

For a while, several agents were taken aback when they heard this.

Come to think of it, Nick did say that.

Captain America is ready to be run over by the director.

"Then lead the way."

In the dim corridor, led by Hill agent 023, a group of people moved forward slowly.

Along the way, Hill talks to Captain America about what S.H.I.E.L.D has been through since its founding.

"I think you've seen him, Howard's son."


Captain America, who was originally listless, cheered up instantly after hearing these words.

You know, the reason why I can become Captain America has nothing to do with Howard!

When he heard the name of this acquaintance, and even learned that this acquaintance had descendants, Steve's face was full of excitement!

"Howard is very smart, we all know, and his son (bccg) is the same. Maybe his son is full of intelligence and intelligence. The only thing that went wrong is that he didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Wait, I only care about who Howard's son is."

"Iron Man, the Iron Man who flies in mid-air in steel armor."

Having said that, Captain America is somewhat impressed.

I remember when I saw Iron Man Captain America, I just felt familiar, and it turned out that it was Howard's son!

In a daze, Captain America's eyes couldn't help falling on the shield in his arm.

The shield was made by Howard, and even the paint on it was done by himself.

Why wouldn't he join S.H.I.E.L.D? It's the organization his father founded!

Thinking of this, Captain America is even more puzzled.

For this, Hill just smiled bitterly.

They definitely want to recruit Iron Man, but it's a pity that Tony's eccentric character doesn't know what he is thinking.

"No way, this guy has all sorts of weird ideas."

"Here we are."

Hill's footsteps stopped suddenly, and in front of everyone was a heavy door.

There are three words on the top that mark the conference room.

"The director is waiting inside, you go quickly."

This is like a criticism meeting.

Lost the opportunity to recruit the green titan, Nick Fury At the moment can be said to be furious.

So much so that when Captain America walked into the house, he was pointed at the nose by Nick.

"Steve, we didn't go to the trouble of pulling you out of the ice to make you question S.H.I.E.L.D's ability!"

Thinking of what Captain America said during the battle, does Luo Feng have the ability to control the green titan?

The director was furious, and the rest of the agents didn't say a word.

Having worked in S.H.I.E.L.D for many years, they have a thorough understanding of the chief's temper.

If you interrupt at this time, you may have to suffer a meal.

But in the face of a furious Nick Fury, Captain America still insisted on their views.

S.H.I.E.L.D still doesn't have the ability to accommodate the green titan, the big Buddha!

"On the other hand, Mr. Nick, why didn't you tell me that Howard has a son and has become a great superhero!"

As a friend of Howard, seeing Tony now, Captain America only feels like seeing Howard back then!

For a while, the director was speechless by these words. .

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