American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 283 They Are Demon Family

In the manor, Luo Feng slowly took out the Eye of Aurora.

Speaking of which, it has been a long time since I watched a movie, and I have already saved a lot of movie watching times, even the number of lucky draws.

Come to think of it, the next movie seems to be "The Adventures of Jackie Chan: The Devil"

To say that there are quite a few good things in this article.

But Luo Feng has important things to do now, so he can't watch movies in the manor.

"It seems that Green Goblin is going for Gwen this time. The Red Queen informed Miss Gwen that she will stop being a city hero during this time."

After speaking, Luo Feng took out the Eye of Aurora, and then said the destination in his mouth.

Stark Hospital!

In an instant, Aurora's Eye was emitting a dazzling blue light. When Luo Feng opened his eyes again, he had already arrived at the gate of Stark410 Hospital.

Familiar places, familiar people.

I remember the last time I came here, it was because Gwen was beaten by the green titan, causing her ribs and spine to break.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng smiled bitterly.

It's as if nothing good happens every time I come here.

But speaking of it, this is a hospital after all, so what's the good of coming here?

"Well... Maybe I'll be happy when I get to the hospital when Gwen gives me a big girl."

Luo Feng then walked towards the building.

"Queen Red, search for Tony's current location." (bcbf) After some searching, Luo Feng finally determined Tony's current location.

Luo Feng had no hesitation, and immediately walked in this direction.

Hearing what the Red Queen said, Captain America was also on the scene. If it is confirmed that Captain America is not a spy sent by S.H.I.E.L.D to try to lure Tony to S.H.I.E.L.D, Luo Feng has a good strategy.

In the corridor, whether it is Captain America or Pepper, At the moment all pray with their eyes closed.

Captain America has just found Tony, it can't just disappear like this!

Da da da--

And at the moment, the sound of gentle footsteps suddenly sounded in the ears of several people.

The person who came was none other than Luo Feng!

Pepper looked back at Luo Feng, as if seeing a life-saving straw.

"Luo Feng, you must save Tony."

Perhaps because of excessive worry, this guy seems to be in a trance, Luo Feng is not a doctor.

"You should probably tell the doctor in the operating room, it doesn't work to tell me."

"Red Queen, how is Tony doing now?"

Luo Feng just muttered into the earphones in front of the two of them.

For a moment, Pepper froze in place.

"Tony is still undergoing treatment in the operating room, and the situation is still uncertain."

"Master, according to the surgical instruments, Tony's current physical data has begun to return to normal, and the operation is about to end. "Tuo Ding will wake up soon."

"Okay, continue to monitor the equipment inside."

What the two of them didn't know was that Luo Feng had the most advanced artificial intelligence in the hands of all human beings.

Asking him about such things is naturally easy to find out!

"You don't need to worry too much, Tony is out of danger, and he will be admitted to the ward in a short time, and he will be fine after a while of recuperation."

Luo Feng smiled helplessly.

The second generation of Green Goblin definitely had a reason to come here this time.

Finding revenge for his father is considered one. Now that Norman Osborn is dead, Henry gradually begins to hate this society.

Perhaps there is a demon hidden in this guy's heart!

"The Osborn family... what a terrible family of demons!".

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