Obviously, because of what Luo Feng said before, Wolverine's fighting spirit was completely inspired.

It's a pity that even if this guy kills Luo Feng, he can't change anything.

The strength between the two is fundamentally not at the same level!

Including Luo Feng's previous punch on Logan, if Luo Feng hadn't deliberately avoided the vitals, Wolverine At the moment would have been a Deadman!

Obviously, Luo Feng's strength is so strong that the three people in front of him are unable to resist at all!

In front of the bar, under the moonlight, there are swords and swords.

The three wrestled with five shadow warriors.

Although Black Widow has means, her attack speed is extremely fast.

Coupled with the previous experience in dealing with this kind of soldiers, now they have killed two shadow warriors in a very short period of time!

As for Wolverine and Hill, it is obviously a bit difficult.

What is astonishing is that the Golden Wolf 970 broke through the armor of the helmet shadow soldier with brute force.

In a short time, the soldier's body was scratched to a bloody mess!

In an instant, Logan also dealt with a shadow warrior.

"Natasha Romanoff, is there a trick to killing these guys? Why do I feel like I can't kill this guy no matter what?"

On the other side, Hill's battle situation is obviously much more anxious.

I saw that the Katana in his hand was constantly falling on the shadow warrior.

However, all his attacks seemed to be in vain, and did not cause much damage to the shadow warrior.

Even under layers of attacks, the opponent's armor was not even broken!

Seeing this, Quan Er couldn't hold back at all.

The other two were able to kill the enemy smoothly, but they lost the chain when they came to themselves.

Hill was not convinced.

But Natasha Romanoff just smiled wryly at this.

"As long as you find the flaws of these guys, it's still very easy to kill them."

As soon as the words fell, Natasha Romanoff smoothly eliminated the shadow warrior in front of Hill.

For a time, among the many enemies present, only those without weapons were left.

Killing it is even easier for a few people.

Logan's steel claws penetrated the opponent's breastplate in an instant.

In front of Adamantium, all defenses are so unbearable!

And after finishing dealing with these shadow warriors, Logan rushed towards Luo Feng angrily (bcee).

"What do you mean by that, and what do you mean?"

Logan was furious.

This guy is so bold that he dares to question the professor's decision!

But Luo Feng didn't think so.

In his opinion, none of his words meant to sow discord.

After going through the entire American Comics universe, Luo Feng naturally knows what kind of person the professor is.

"Just imagine, if I killed your brother Sabretooth, what would you do to me? Even if you two are enemies."

Luo Feng casually mentioned an example, which made Logan unable to sit still.

"How do you know him?"

It’s okay for this guy to know Professor X, after all he is a famous figure in the world, but why would he know about his brother Sabretooth?

For a moment, endless doubts flooded in Logan's heart.

But for this, Luo Feng just smiled lightly.

"How do you think I know, that's how I know.

"I am who I am in your hearts, and I am what I am.

"The image in people's mind is hard to change, so I don't desire to change it."

At the moment's Luo Feng, with a powerful aura!.

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