Ann Bell apartment building, here is the residence of Steve Rogers, and also the residence of green titan Banner.

It is estimated that no one would have thought that Captain America and Green Titan are still neighbors.

Definitely, the two are also ignorant of this matter.

thump thump——

When he came to the floor, Luo Feng knocked on Steve's door directly, because he didn't know whether Steve could accept this identity.

The formerly famous Captain America, now the security captain of a company, is probably a joke to everyone.

After a while, Steve opened the door for Luo Feng.

After a boring day, seeing this familiar face made Steve even more happy in his heart. 06 "You know, today is more boring than every day I have spent before, I don't know how to use any of these electrical appliances in the house.

As soon as they met, Steve complained to Luo Feng.

Apparently Steve didn't have that kind of free time from ice recovery to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Because of this, Steve doesn't have much exposure to modern technology.

This also led to Steve's ignorance of human technology.

Seeing the situation like this, Luo Feng just smiled.

"It doesn't matter, you will be familiar with this kind of work sooner or later."

Thinking of the days of the security captain, it is probably like starting a retirement life.

Thinking about it carefully, this position may not be suitable for Captain America, but helplessly, Luo Feng only thought of this position.

It can also make Steve feel wronged.

Thinking back to the last life, the security personnel could still watch novels and watch videos to live their lives, but the technological level of this world has not yet developed like this.

"Okay, it's time to get down to business, so can I go in?"

Luo Feng looked at Captain America who was blocking the door in front of him, with a look of disdain on his face.

Only then did Steve realize that the conversation just now was entirely at the door.

definitely, come in. "

After saying that, Steve moved half of his body away.

Luo Feng was able to enter the room.

The furnishings in the house are as if they just came here, the house is very clean, Luo Feng has no doubts, whether the restless Steve spent half a day tidying up the rhinoceros.

"Would you like some water?"


Luo Feng aimed at a sofa and sat down on it.

On the other hand, Steve was busy.

After a while, a glass of cold water was delivered to Luo Feng.

This is the custom of the beautiful country, they do not have the habit of drinking hot water.

"Well... Maybe I can try to cook a dinner for the two of us, you probably didn't eat either.

"You don't have to, let's get straight to the point."

Facing Steve's dinner invitation, Luo Feng refused without thinking.

He doesn't 540 think that Steve has the ability to cook with modern ingredients.

In this regard, Steve couldn't help but give up.

"Okay, you can just say it."

"I'm going to arrange for you to be the security captain in my company."

" protect who?"

"It can be regarded as the patron saint of the entire company."

Luo Feng didn't think about it, but he hadn't thought about the salary yet. After all, he needed to consult his father, Jin Bin, for this kind of matter. After all, he was the nominal boss of Umbrella Company.

"Yes, this position is not bad, as long as it gives me time to train myself.

Never thought about it, Steve agreed without even thinking about it!.

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