American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 349 All Judgments Have Precise Endings

Luo Feng naturally knew that being the boss of Umbrella Company Jin was not easy.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng smiled helplessly.

"I am ready to let the company enter another industry, and at the same time Umbrella's current funding problems, we can transfer the direction of development to other directions."

"Like pharmaceuticals."

Luo Feng didn't have hesitation, and immediately asked Red Queen to investigate the situation of the medicine feedback sent by the home robot.

Unexpectedly, these drugs - received unanimous praise.

Most of them are medicines used in emergencies, because they have never used this brand of medicines, so it is inevitable that they will have some psychological struggles before using them.

And after using it, they discovered that the efficiency of this drug is actually more effective than the drugs popular on the market!

It is also because of this that there are almost no negative reviews on the drugs distributed.

Seeing these data, Luo Feng felt even more joyful.

No matter who it is, when they see a drug that they have never used, their first impression is probably resistance. It is really good to lay the foundation for Umbrella's pharmaceutical industry by selling Kangjia robots.

And Jin Bing heard that it was more like seeing the direction, and his thoughts became brighter.

Before Umbrella, King was the underground emperor of New York, and he was no fool.

"My God Luo Feng, you are such a genius, I already know what to do."

So what's the matter here?"

Jin Bing got the answer to the question that was confusing him now, let alone how happy he was.

While he was happy, he also knew that Luo Feng would not come to him for no reason.

"Why, is it okay for me, a son, to come and see my father?"

"Hahaha, you kid has been talking since you were young."

"Tell me, what is it?"

Jin Bing knew in his heart that what Luo Feng said was just joking with himself.

Luo Feng didn't hide it anymore.

"I recruited a security captain and a gamma experimenter for our company."

Luo Feng immediately informed Jin Bin about Steve and Banner.

For a while, Jin Bing was startled when he heard it.

He has nothing to do with the security captain, but the gamma experimenter?

Where can I find such a person?

Jin Bing was full of question marks, while Luo Feng opened the topic directly.

0...ask for flowers...

"Remember the green titan that made a lot of noise before and disappeared?"

"Wait, do you mean him by the gamma experimenter?"

Luo Feng nodded.

Jin Bin was in an uproar, his son actually recruited such a dangerous person, which also shows that he has the ability to fight against the green titan!

Powerful, really too strong!


Thinking of this, I shudder even more.

As the person behind it, Jin didn't know how powerful Luo Feng was.

As for this, Luo Feng just smiled.

"I believe this down-and-out scientist will bring huge amounts of contribution to our company."

There is no doubt about Banner's Ability Luo Feng, after all, in Avengers alliance 4, the reason why the Avengers can reverse the future is also because of the green titan.

If it weren't for Banner, I am afraid that half of the world's population will never come back!

"I believe you, Luo Feng, almost all your judgments along the way put things into an accurate ending."

Jin Bin looked at Luo Feng with kindness in his eyes.

And in Jin Bing's heart, his satisfaction with Luo Feng seems to have reached the peak!.

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