American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 372 Manipulator Manufacturing Plan

This is the laboratory built by Otto with a lot of painstaking efforts. Various instruments can be seen inside, including what Banner knows.

"It's still possible to get this stuff?"

Banner was observing all the furnishings in the room, and Otto was even more delighted after seeing Luo Feng.

"I'm looking forward to it, is this the assistant you brought me?"

Otto looked back at Banner, but couldn't help but look up and down.

As for the scientific lunatic, Banner then began to introduce himself.

"My name is Banner, and I'm a scientist just like you."

"Wait, Banner!"

"Are you the green titan Banner wanted by the military?"

"Oh my god, I think you can understand me, I didn't become like that on purpose, to be honest, I don't like myself like that, that's what green titan means.

"I was exposed to gamma rays to get that way."

Seeing Otto, Banner was very excited as if meeting an old acquaintance.

And when Otto heard the words gamma rays, his expression changed immediately.

You know, for human beings, this is completely a death ray when it is not controlled.

And the man in front of him did not die after receiving gamma radiation, and even gained an extraordinary Ability!

"It's really enviable. Not every scientific thunder can create extraordinary power."

In Otto's eyes, whether these superheroes or super bullies, they are a completely new evolution of life.

When Banner heard Otto's words, his body couldn't help but tremble.

Intuition told him that the man in front of him had his own views on the concept of mutation.

On the side, on the experimental platform, Luo Feng just glanced unintentionally, and saw the machinery used by Otto's incarnation Doctor Octopus.

And Otto, who was on the side, also explained after seeing Zhang Chen's gaze.

"I call it the gravity arm. It was created for the convenience of future research. It can help me accomplish many things."

Otto whispered in Luo Feng's ear, and even if Otto didn't explain it, Luo Feng knew what it was for.

But Otto would never have thought that when using the gravity arm, the device at its neck would be damaged and emit strange radiation.

After that, a new consciousness was born in Otto's mind, which is the main reason why Otto became Doctor Octopus.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng just stepped forward to observe for a moment [and didn't say anything more.

Perhaps in Otto's view, this gravity arm is just a tool, and there is no need for him to make it so finely.

Banner on the side was even more dumbfounded after seeing this masterpiece.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, Otto looks like a lunatic, but judging from this invention, if he devotes himself to his career, he will never become an unknown person!

’ ‘It’s amazing. "

"I think we humans (good money) can make a lot of things, but as to whether we can make them, it depends on our own brain circuits.

"There are many inventions that we humans thought of first, and then slowly broke them."

"Otto, you are a genius."

"Thank you for the compliment. This invention is nearing its final stage, and I believe it will be completed in a short time."

"Well... Maybe I can help you, the two of us can get twice the result with half the effort!".

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