American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 378 You Directly Bought A Suite For The Mission?

Captain America's words also revealed a strong murderous aura, as a top agent, Black Widow noticed this aura at the first moment.

Having said that, facing Captain America's warning, Natasha Romanoff could only smile dryly, "It's okay, not all of S.H.I.E.L.D are fools."

After speaking, Natasha Romanoff walked away.

It was just after this incident that she understood a truth.

Steve has already started to stand in line, and the target is Luo Feng's side.

Thinking of this, Natasha Romanoff, who had already walked away, gave a bitter smile.

Comrades who once fought together are now facing each other with swords.

"Perhaps, when we meet next time, we will be enemies."

After that, Natasha Romanoff turned around and came to a real estate.

Just like 817 is the director though, she wants to find a property near the Umbrella company building, live in it, and then observe everything in the Umbrella company.

And the car that broke down before has been replaced, definitely using S.H.I.E.L.D funds.

Compared with the previous supercars, Natasha Romanoff's car this time is much more low-key, it is a simple business car, not as ostentatious as before.

However, most of the properties around Umbrella Company are apartment suites, and not many are rented out.

Hearing this, Natasha Romanoff immediately frowned.

"Boss, what should we do in this situation?"

"How about...shall I just buy a house?"

Natasha Romanoff began to ask the director's opinion.

Even if there is a room for rent, it has been advertised for several years, and it has already been rented out.

Hearing what Natasha Romanoff said, the director was speechless for a while.

Obviously, this kind of request is somewhat reluctant.

But after careful consideration, the director agreed to Natasha Romanoff's request.

Hill on the side suddenly lost face when he heard this.

"Is this serious? You just bought a property for a mission?"

"Do you think this is crazy?"

"Crazy? This is more than crazy, I think you should be crazy."

"No...Hill, Luo Feng can be regarded as the focus of our S.H.I.E.L.D nowadays. To me, we (agfj) only invest a certain amount of money in the focus, which is no problem. .”

"In addition, the battle between us and Umbrella should last for quite a while, and this property will come in handy in the future."

The director turned to look at the communication equipment.

Luo Feng is powerful, and he is the object of everyone's headaches in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Near Umbrella, Ma Natasha Romanoff is slowly walking towards a mid-range apartment complex.

Since the main goal is to monitor and observe [the floor of this house cannot be too low.

In the sales department, Natasha Romanoff is looking at each house carefully.

"Umbrella's boss, Jin Bin, is on the twelfth floor...but the view from the twelfth floor can't see the first floor very clearly."

"Wait, I seem to have detection equipment."

Natasha Romanoff suddenly realized that her equipment contained telescopes and even monitoring equipment.

The monitoring equipment had been installed in Jinbin's meeting room before Natasha Romanoff left.

Thinking of this, Natasha Romanoff had no hesitation, and immediately used S.H.I.E.L.D's funds to buy a property on the eleventh floor facing the Umbrella Building.

And all these targeted choices made the sales staff on the side look at a loss.

"Ma'am, please come here to apply for the real estate certificate..."

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