American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 399: All The Heroes Are Present, Except Her

But after a while, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open.

For a moment, everyone looked over and saw Tony wearing a heavy Iron Man battle suit and walking straight into the house.

Seeing this scene, Jin Bing only felt exaggerated for a while.

"Could it be that you are going to fight directly after this meeting~?"

"No, just according to my artificial intelligence description, the road section at this time is very crowded, and I don't want to squeeze the road with those people."

After speaking, Tony found a place to sit at random, looking quite relaxed.

After that, the green titan Banner also followed.

But unlike Iron Man, he didn't turn into a big man of steel to drive, but took a taxi very meekly.

"It looks like this is the future chief scientist of our group."

In Jin Bin's view, this kind of biological experimenter is either a lunatic or a genius, and Banner only became like this because the experiment failed.

For this, Banner was a little embarrassed, and when he saw Tony present, he was even more astonished.

"I think Mr. Tony deserves this title compared to me."

The wisdom of the two is equal, nothing more than their respective areas of expertise are different.

Hearing these flattering words, Tony was also happier, "You are much more likable than that big green guy."

Thinking of the previous battle with the green titan, Tony couldn't help but shudder. The green titan is so violent, if something happens to Banner in the venue, the whole building will probably be buried with him.

After that, Captain America Steve Rogers finally arrived at the venue.

Although there is a traffic jam outside, Captain America is riding a motorcycle, so it is more flexible.

Seeing Tony whom he had always wanted to see, the words he kept on his lips were swallowed again, because this meeting was called by Luo Feng, so naturally it was not for the two to chat about their personal affairs.

Seeing that everyone is almost here, Luo Feng bluntly said that the meeting can start.

Tony was dumbfounded by these words.

"Wait, isn't there another one?"

"Where's our good neighbor, Spider-man?"

This is a dull topic.

Luo Feng smiled bitterly.

"Then give a sad piece of news before starting the meeting."

"Spider-man has withdrawn from our ranks."

0...seeking flowers...

For a time, the crowd was in an uproar.

Banner also has an impression of Spider-man, a poor ghost who was pushed to the ground by himself and attacked frantically.

And for such a playful hero, Captain America also gained a little favor.

"But now is not the time for us to be sad. Although she has quit the team, I believe she will come back soon."


"Why are you so sure?"

"Because of the Great War in New York..."

Luo Feng raised his head suddenly, "This is one of the reasons why I let you all come over.

Luo Feng has already explained everything clearly.

"In just a few days, Blue Star will usher in a catastrophe. If you can't stop it, Blue Star will fall into the hands of a trick god, and will disappear for no reason in the near future. Half of the population of the star!"

This time Loki attacked Blue Star for the Tesseract in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.

And after getting the Rubik's Cube, it seems that Thanos' plan has been advanced.

If they were defeated in this battle, what Luo Feng said was not exaggerating the fact at all!

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