Not long after, the two people in the house left one after another.

Only Luo Feng's red queen with a body was left here.

I saw question marks all over the face of the red queen, and the muscles on his face began to tremble.

"Master, why should we cooperate with them? Even we have the strength to stop this."

After all, the red queen is still too simple.

But Luo Feng should be thankful that the Red Queen didn't ask this question when the two were talking.

Luo Feng turned his head to look at Xiang Hong, his eyes seemed to be looking at a silly girl.

"If S.H.I.E.L.D finds out, we will take action even if they don't show up. Naturally, we won't be able to get this material. This is a kind of blackmail, but they can't guarantee that we will take action, so they can only compromise."

Nick got ripped off by Luo Feng, and to put it bluntly, that's it.

It has to be said that the director can still distinguish the overall situation, at least he is not confused about the battle in New York.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng couldn't help grinning, "It seems that Nick really felt threatened, otherwise he wouldn't come to me for cooperation in such a humble manner.

"Master, how are you going to deal with this?"

"It's easy, just follow the plan, but you should find Loki first."

After speaking, Luo Feng walked into the house.

The battle in New York is about to start, and Luo Feng should also choose a weapon for himself.

"Okay, I'm going to start watching the movie. The Red Queen, I think you can put on the weapons and equipment, and then start your first heroic action."

When he was about to step into the house, Luo Feng suddenly turned his head and said to the red queen.

And what Luo Feng said happened to be what the Red Queen was thinking about right now.

Because the red queen has just got her body, she is not very skilled in manipulating it yet.

As for these Stark industrial weapons, the Red Queen has not yet learned how to use them.

"Remember, if it's a human criminal, don't put it to death."

After saying these words, Luo Feng walked straight into the house.

Only the red queen was left in the empty living room.

She turned to look at the weapon box beside her.

Inside are various weapons from Stark Industries.

Among them, there are many armor-piercing ammunition, as well as small missiles, which are full of lethality.

Following the Red Queen's intention, a bayonet appeared on the Red Queen's arm.

Obviously, this is used to card weapons.

0...seeking flowers0

"Downloading kung fu videos."

The Red Queen was not in a hurry to install weapons, but went to the Internet to start learning fighting videos.

After a while, the red queen opened her eyes again, but driven by the facial model, her gaze was a bit sharp.

Hong Hou learned all kinds of fighting techniques around the world in just a few minutes.

Definitely, this is not for your own use, but to deal with these people.

Know yourself, know your enemy, and win every battle. If you know the opponent's fighting style, you will win better.

This is the gap between artificial intelligence and humans.

The Red Queen learned kung fu in minutes that would take years for humans to learn!

After that, the Red Queen came to the weapon box. After installing various weapons, she became a walking killing machine!

"Hidden weapons..."


Following an order, the weapon just installed on Hong Hou's body was once again hidden under the steel body!

Next, put on a battle suit and prepare the city for its new hero!.

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