American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 46 Tony Returns And Holds A Press Conference

On the manor balcony.

Gwen, who wandered around New York City, squatted on the railing of the balcony, talking to Luo Feng about what she did today with a fluttering expression on her face.

"Also, the thief was tied up and hung up by me, and he kept swearing."

"I just gagged him with cobweb."

"It seems you enjoy the job, Ms. Spider-man."

Hearing the name, Gwen looked at Luo Feng suspiciously: "Ms. Spider-man?"

"It seems that you are busy fighting crime and don't know your nickname as a hero."

Luo Feng tapped the tablet in his hand a few times and handed it to her.

Gwen looked at the comments below several videos, and the name Spider-man had already spread all over the comment area.

It is no longer clear who called the name in the first place.

"Spider-man, that's a good name..."

Gwen looked at the comments below the video with satisfaction, although there were some discordant voices.

But obviously more people like her.

"Luo Feng, I feel like I'm going to love this job."

Gwen felt that her childhood dream was slowly being realized, even more easily than George.

"It seems that my job is much more comfortable than my dad's?"

"Luo Feng, I remember that you seemed to be concerned about Tony Stark's news..."

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Gwen clicked on the number one news on the hot list, and turned the tablet over to show Luo Feng.

The headline reads: Tony Stark has been rescued and is about to return to China to hold a press conference.

"So fast……"

Tony's speed of doing things also surprised Luo Feng.

As for the people who paid attention to Tony, Luo Feng was naturally not the only one, almost the whole beautiful country was paying attention.


George, who had just watched the online video, immediately put on his police uniform and brought a few people along: "Let's go and investigate where the Spider-Man appeared."

"Spider-man? Boss, are you talking about the Spider-man that suddenly popped up on the Internet today?"

"I think she is the only one who can let the head investigate in person."

George didn't answer them, and walked straight towards the outside of the police station, but was stopped by a police officer before he reached the door.

"Head, I think you can't go now, something serious happened."

"Is there any other big case?"

"Not only is it not a big case, but it's a good thing, and it's a good thing for people who buy stocks."

The policeman handed out the tablet in his hand, and seeing the news on it, George's expression suddenly became dark.

"This group of damn rich people are always so noisy."

"How is Stark Industries doing now?"

"There are already police officers rushing to the scene to maintain order, but it's okay to go there."

"Now reporters from all over the city are rushing towards the hotel where the press conference is held."

"And the scale this time is bigger than last time..."

George took a deep breath, temporarily let go of the idea of ​​investigating Spider-man, and began to direct his men to the scene to maintain order.

If a stampede happened to this group of people, he, the director, would be roasted on the fire of public opinion.

"Set off……"



Jin Bin, who had already had a morning meeting, sat in his office chair and enjoyed the massage from the new secretary.

Suddenly the door of the office was pushed open.

The younger brother who was in charge of following the Ten Commandments Gang ran in panting.

Seeing his reckless appearance, Jin Bing felt very displeased, but he also knew that something must have happened to cause this.

"Boss Jin Bin, Tony Stark has escaped from the Ten Commandments Gang and has been rescued by the US military."

"Now I am preparing to return to China to develop a press conference."

"Did he really escape?"

The younger brother walked up to Jin Bin: "Yes, he escaped safely."

"Not only that, the entire Ten Commandments Gang's stronghold was blown up by him, and it was also because of this that the news from our informant was delayed a lot."

Jin Bin narrowed his eyes.

Why does this news sound a bit magical?

A cynical playboy scientist who single-handedly blew up a KB stronghold and escaped unharmed?

"Is the news true?"

Jin Bin was still a little unbelievable.

"I doubted it at first, but now Tony Stark is on his way back to China and is preparing to hold a press conference."

"It seems that he intends to show his face and save his own stock."

Jin looked at this matter from the perspective of a businessman, so he would naturally link Tony's behavior with business.

"Do you know how he escaped?"

The little brother immediately replied: "Our people said that he invented a robot and escaped under the leadership of the robot."


Jin Bin stood up, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked in the direction of Stark Industry: "This thing seems to be getting more and more interesting."

"Obadiah, you lost this time..."

Jin was glad that his vision was still very vicious, and he didn't get on Obadiah's thief ship immediately.

Instead, choose to wait and see.

Next, he was curious about how Obadiah would face it.

Paper cannot contain fire.

Tony is back, and the things Obadiah did will be revealed sooner or later...

Inside Stark Industries.

Obadiah stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, smoking the cigar in his mouth non-stop, his eyes full of ferocity.

"Ten Commandments Gang, you idiots!!!"

Anyway, even he couldn't figure out how Tony managed to get out of the Ten Commandments gang's stronghold alive.

Obadiah tries to calm himself down so he can face Tony later.

After taking out his mobile phone, Obadiah made a call: "Give me all the means to check."

"Whatever it takes, I want to know how Tony got out."

After hanging up the phone, Obadiah took another deep puff on his cigar and walked out of the office.

According to Tony's instructions, go to set up the press conference site...

S.H.I.E.L.D Mothership.

Hill agent came behind Nick Fury again: "Head, Tony Stark has escaped from the Ten Commandments Gang."

Hearing the news, Nick Fury had a look of surprise on his calm face.

Originally, he also thought that Tony would die at the hands of kb elements.

"There is no need to report this kind of thing."

"Head, I thought you would be interested in this..."

Nick Fury took the board from Hill agent, and the video played on it was Tony wearing Mark 1 and rushing out of the Ten Commandments Gang.

In the end, the Mark 1 soared into the sky and fled with Tony until it ran out of fuel and fell to disintegration in the desert.

Ethan picks up Tony in his car...

"It seems that he made something incredible in the cave."

"Let Phil Coulson investigate..."

"Understood, head."


Ask for flowers~ask for evaluation tickets~ask for rewards

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