American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 453 Suspicious Person, Barton Shows Up!

It was almost like the front foot was still reminding, and a message was sent after the next second it was red.

"Master, a suspicious person has been found near Engine No. 3."

Needless to say, who else is this guy hovering around engine number three but Hawkeye Barton?

"Put the picture directly on the big screen."

"Good master."

For a moment, the big screen that originally deployed the strategy was instantly invaded by the red queen, and among them was the figure of Hawkeye Barton.

Needless to say, Natasha Romanoff lost control when she saw Barton.

"How did this guy come here, I'm going to stop this guy!"

Natasha Romanoff stood up abruptly from the crowd.

But Luo Feng didn't say much, apparently acquiescing to Natasha Romanoff's 710 action.

And now that Barton has taken action here, let's think about Loki's rescue plan, and now he is also executing the minister!

"Steve, Thor, you go and stand outside the prison where Loki is being held, and someone will rescue Loki after this.

Luo Feng knew everything that would happen next, and because of this, he deployed his strategy in an orderly manner.

This kind of command ability, even the director would be ashamed to see it.

Obviously, the man in front of him is the one who snatched the superhero from him, but he himself is a top superhero.

Passing (agdi) through the dark corridor, Thor and Steve finally came to the door of Loki's prison.

And in this one, Loki was covering his swollen mouth with resentment on his face, and couldn't help laughing at himself when he saw Thor's arrival.

In his opinion, his companions will come to rescue him soon, but he doesn't know that all of Loki's plans have been gradually broken, and now Loki is more like a Joker.

"Why do you choose to stand with the Midgard people? If Asgard attacks Midgard, Midgard obviously doesn't have the ability to resist!"

Loki in the prison chattered endlessly, but Captain America's expression was very ugly.

"Not everyone likes war, Luke."

After a series of events, Thor has also grown up now. He is no longer the reckless man who loves to fight, but more wise. Before the battle starts, he has to think about what impact this battle will have on everyone.

In contrast, Loki, who was once calm and calm before, is much more irritable.

Not just because of being beaten up by Luo Feng.

At the moment, Loki's mind is full of scenes of himself being thrown into the abyss of the universe by Thor.

In an instant, his expression was also filled with resentment.

"Perhaps you should pay attention to the outside of this spaceship, maybe something is happening."

Loki turned to look at Thor, if these two guys stayed here, he obviously couldn't get out.

Loki At the moment regained his senses and began to trick the two of them into leaving here.

But before coming here, Luo Feng made it clear that no matter what happens, as long as you do your own tasks well.

Because of this, the two were not fooled by Loki to leave.

"Loki, don't think I don't know, your mind is full of calculations."

Thor glanced at Loki and proceeded to discuss the past with Loki.

Thor was preparing to take over all of Asgard when he discovered Loki's true nature.

This seemed to be one of the few conversations between the two brothers.

Loki's mood also eased a lot at the moment, and the two brothers couldn't help but smile at each other.

"Loki, come back to Asgard with me, it's not too late to go back and make up for this!"

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