American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 464 Soaring To The Sky, The Portal Opens!

Seeing this, Loki's pupils can't help but dilate, because the target of the fish that slipped through the net is not Loki, but the portal device behind him!

"No! You bloody bastard!"

Loki let out a growl.

Iron Man thought he had succeeded, but he never thought that after being hit, the teleportation device would emit a faint blue light all over.

This is like the Tesseract ontology.

And in the next moment, the strong impact of the Japanese stocks knocked the two of them to the ground on the spot!

This is Rubik's Cube's way of self-defense.

Compared with before, the energy released by the Rubik's Cube being used is more violent.

Tony managed to stabilize his figure in mid-air, and turned to look up in front of him.

"What happened just now?"

"Sir, it should be a counter procedure."

"Well, I shouldn't ask you this kind of thing, even if you say it's magic, it's easier to understand than a program.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, scan this instrument."

"Good sir."

In midair, Tony was looking at the instrument up and down. At the moment he finally realized that he wanted to stop all of this. If the instrument cannot be destroyed, then cut off the transmitted energy!

Tony's eyes followed and set on the cable.

At the same time, Loki, who was overturned by the energy on the ground, got up from the ground again.

"The big picture is set, this is the day of judgment for Midgard!"

Like a lunatic, he suddenly showed a smug smile.

Tony, on the other hand, lowered his altitude and turned to aim at the cables on the ground.

"Sorry, this time...we won!"


The energy cannon was still brewing, and in the next moment, a laser beam from Blue hit Tony suddenly.

Out of control, Tony fell directly from the air and hit the ground heavily!

Obviously, Loki has already figured out what Tony wants to do, and now the timing is right to stop it.

The energy cannon was about to be fired, but was interrupted by Loki.


"Sir, the armor is fine.

"Regain momentum."

"Good sir."

Tony got up from the ground and wanted to fly into the sky.

But his ankle seemed to be caught by something, and he couldn't fly.

Looking down, Loki's hand was holding onto Tony tightly.

"What are you thinking about? Stupid fellow."

0......seeking flowers......

Rao even Tony didn't expect that this guy's strength is the least careless enough to intercept Flight's battle electricity!

"J.A.R.V.I.S, increase kinetic energy output!"

"Good sir."

At the foot, a burst of fire burst out, which made Loki unconsciously let go of his palm.

When Loki looked up, Tony was already flying in mid-air, circling around the teleporter.


The sight amused Loki.

Because of the equipment on the side, the energy is already enough!

"Stop resisting, it's too late, Iron Man."

I saw Tesseract emitting a blue light from the whole body. The corpse from this light is so strange that people dare not approach it easily [as if it is extremely violent and can tear people apart in an instant.

And in the next moment, the energy emitted by Tesseract itself rushed into the sky.

How high the beam of light was Tony didn't know.

But it does open a huge hole in people's heads.

In the chest, countless Zita Swiss soldiers are staring at this planet.

On the high platform, Loki couldn't help showing a tricky smile.

He did it and successfully brought the space predator to the blue star!.

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