American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 468 Chaos, Battle Of New York!

On the high platform, Loki was still looking at these with pride, imagining that after the battle, Midgard would be turned into a barren and desolate land, and he could take over here and rebuild these

This place will become a royal capital even more glorious than Asgard, and Loki will become the ruler here, and here he is the supreme power!

The future is so desirable that Loki can't help but laugh out loud.

But at the moment, a figure suddenly flew over.

This person is none other than his big brother, Thor, and he is also the one who threw himself into the abyss of the universe!

"I did it, I finally did it! See? I can do it all by myself!"

Loki looked excited 603, as if he had accomplished some great feat.

Thor, on the other hand, has a dark face.

"Yes, you did it, you brought destruction to this planet."

Thor is telling the truth, but Loki, dazzled by Thanos' dreamy promises, doesn't care much.

"I will re-establish a dynasty, I will be the king of this country, they should all remember my name, Luji

Loki is immersed in his own world, and At the moment behaves more like a madman.

And in front of him.

Thor reluctantly raised the warhammer in his hand.

"Loki, follow me back to Asgard and count your crimes."

Even though the portal in front of him has been opened, Thor still doesn't forget to bring Loki back to Asgard, but it's too late.

"Then you guys have to stop this first!"

Loki jerks his head to look at Thor.

The next moment, I saw Loki rushing towards Thor at an extremely fast speed, and a dagger in his hand pierced Thor's abdomen suddenly.

Thorton frowned, and pain swept through his body.

Under Rage, he kicked Loki aside with one kick.

Compared with Thor, Loki's combat power is like cannon fodder.

But his biggest threat has never been his own combat power, but his insidious cunning!

Overturned, Loki tumbles down the platform onto the airship of a Zeta Swiss soldier.

On the tall building, the green titan Hulk completely turned into a violent wildness, climbing back and forth in the tall building (a GBe).

Some soldiers who tried to launch an attack couldn't help being grabbed by Hulk and slammed them against the wall.


There was only a loud noise, and the soldier's body was shot to pieces on the spot.

With this kind of combat power, even alien creatures would be terrified when they saw this.

Natasha Romanoff and Steve deal with enemies and evacuate crowds on the streets of New York.

Not far away, groups of New York police couldn't help but froze in place when they saw this scene.

But Steve suddenly came out from the side.

It is obviously powerless to evacuate the crowd while fighting.

This is the kind of work best left to the New York police.

"Leave the streets to us. These enemies will only attack from the avenues. We can evacuate the masses and retreat from the alleys."

Steve stood on the roof, looking up at Fang.

Faced with this strange man in tights, the police were stunned, "Why do we listen to you?"

The reason why Steve asked to retreat from the alley was because someone was taking cover from a tall building.

"Captain, how is your situation?"

After taking down a series of enemies, Tony couldn't help sending a message to Captain America.

He has resisted wave after wave of enemies here, and he is exhausted.

As for Captain America, after the three alien Warriors were dealt with, the police officers changed their tune instantly.

"Gather all the police forces, evacuate the crowd to the alley, and prepare to pay attention to whether the alley is passable and safe."

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