American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 477 Supreme Mage, Ancient One!

The thing Luo Feng wants to determine is simple, whether the history of this world has been rewritten by himself.

In this regard, we must look at the New York War, which is a key link.

Because in Avengers alliance4, the alien heroes traveled back to the New York War in order to find Infinite Gems.

"Parallel universe? Or time travel?"

Luo Feng's body was suspended in the mid-air, and some alien invaders with short-sightedness tried to attack Luo Feng during the period, but the result was obvious.

Luo Feng just lightly raised his hand, and the opponent's body was crushed instantly, and all kinds of weird organs were exposed, falling down from mid-air.

I'm afraid people who don't know will be showered with an organ.

In my mind, memories are surging.

There are far more superheroes involved in this battle than Luo Feng and the chief duo have ever seen!

If the future Hulk does not come across, it means that the heroes of this world have won the battle in the Avengers alliance3.

But whether Hulk comes or not, Luo Feng will always find someone.

That is Blue Star's Supreme Mage, Ancient One!

Luo Feng's figure shuttled among many cities.

Under this war, the city can be described as a mess.

Whether it's the corpses of the invaders falling everywhere, or the buildings destroyed by the invaders, the whole city gives people the feeling of a battlefield.

I'm afraid I would never have imagined that this was not a first-tier city in the beautiful country a few hours ago!

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Luo Feng stood on the top of a tall building and looked down.

But Ancient One did not know when it emerged.

At the same time, Luo Feng also noticed the Eye of Agamotto hanging around this guy's neck, which contained the Time Gem.

It is also one of the original stones of the universe!


As expected of Ancient One, she came so quietly that even Luo Feng didn't notice any movement.

The ability of this Supreme Mage is far beyond the performance in the movie.

It is said that Ancient One died due to lack of funds, and now it seems that this makes sense.

Ancient One seemed to know everything, except that the man in front of him fell into a momentary confusion.

"For the rough stone?"

Ancient One can see through the future and the past by using the Time Gem, but he cannot see through the man in front of him.

But from the man in front of him, there was an invisible aura, which seemed so terrifying!

"Rough stone? It's useless for me to ask for that thing."

Ancient One is his own guess, but in Luo Feng's opinion, the rough stones of this world do not attract him very much.

Hearing these words, Ancient One's expression suddenly sank.

This is one of the six gems in the universe, and the man in front of him actually said it was useless?

Put it on the Universe Collector and sell it for a lot of money!

"Where's Stephen?"

Whether it is Ancient One or rough stones, Luo Feng is not interested in these.

The rough stone will end up in the hands of Stephen, while Ancient One will die in the hands of his apprentice.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

And at the moment, several alien invaders (from Nord) aimed at the two people on the top of the building and bombarded them indiscriminately!

The attack came suddenly.

Just as Ancient One was about to attack, Luo Feng used Ability to block all the ammunition in front of his body, and then bounced off all the ammunition!

Several alien invaders fell from the sky on the spot.

And when he felt this breath, Ancient One's pupils dilated!

"This breath, are you the evil hidden in the blue star?"

After all, the gravitational force of curse blue is also the power of demons!.

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