American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 492: Thor Being Pressed And Rubbed On The Ground

Loki is looking at his handiwork from the high platform.

The heroes will be gradually defeated under constant attacks one after another.

Thinking of this, Loki suddenly showed an evil smile.

As everyone knows, Luo Feng sees all of this.

"Would you like a drink?"

When Loki reacted, Luo Feng was holding a wine bottle in one hand and a wine glass in the other.

These were all Tony's drinks, and Luo Feng didn't feel bad when he drank them.

Loki, on the other hand, was shocked.

"When did you..."

"Really? There are many things you don't know, and the Asgardians on this planet haven't made a move yet."

Even if Luo Feng doesn't make a move, I believe that Ancient One will choose to help if they see the trend of Blue Star.

At that time, Ancient One releases a large-scale magic, even if you think about it, Loki will be unable to parry it!

"Are you looking down on me?"

Loki immediately clenched the mind scepter in his hand, but in fact, even if this guy used a rough stone as an aid, Luo Feng didn't take it seriously at all.

"Give you an option, close the teleportation gate yourself, or let me beat you up, and then grab the scepter from your hand and close the gate~."

Luo Feng drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

For a moment, the aura exuded by his body made Loki even more daunting.

Luo Feng is very powerful, and Loki knows this.

But think of the cosmic invader behind the portal!

"I will not agree to any of your proposals!"

As soon as the words fell, Loki immediately threw out the scepter, and then a laser beam shot straight at Luo Feng.

But this attack was not painful to Luo Feng.

With just one thought, this attack stopped in front of Luo Feng.

But when Luo Feng came back to his senses, he saw that Loki had already fled.

I have to say, this is indeed a cunning guy.

Luo Feng frowned suddenly.

If this guy wants to play a tug-of-war with him, Luo Feng doesn't mind wiping out all the invaders in the city just to find a Loki!

Thinking of this, Luo Feng's expression became extremely gloomy.

However, Thor, who was fighting next to the alien battleship, was constantly pressed against the battleship and crushed.

A new class of troops has appeared among the enemies.

These soldiers are stronger than those armed with laser cannons.

Thor was treated like this because he underestimated the enemy.

"I am the prince of Asgard, if you dare to treat me like this, my homeland will not spare you!"

Thor let out a growl, but all he got was a duller lap.

These soldiers couldn't understand what Thor was saying at all.

Thor's hands were firmly trampled by the soldiers, leaving only one head, which had already been beaten four times in a row, and half of his face suddenly swelled up.

Thor's hammer was left on the ground.

At that time, Thor was still fighting with the rest of the soldiers in the sky, when a reckless figure suddenly rushed towards him, and when Thor came back to his senses, it was already like this.

Now his position is changing with the constant movement of the space battleship (Nuo's Zhao), which is really funny.

What's even more outrageous is that Thor tried to summon his Meow Hammer to fight back. He tried several times in succession, but the hammer seemed to disappear!

This can't help but make Thor feel horrified.

Could it be that his hammer was taken by someone else?

At the moment Thor just hoped that someone would come and save him.

But this battleship revolves around the Stark Building, and if you want to save Thor, those heroes must go to the position around the Stark Building!.

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