American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 506 Across Space And Latitude!

Outside the Stark Building.

Thor is like a machine that has just been fully charged, fully charged anytime, anywhere.

And in this state, the enemies who come to obstruct are like paper.

Thor just uses Mjolnir to release the electric current, and these enemies are paralyzed on the spot and cannot move.

Thor At the moment's strength has made a qualitative leap, and all this is thanks to Luo Feng.

Thor holds Loki and scepter in one hand, and Mjolnir in the other hand, and Mjolnir keeps turning, driving Thor straight into the sky.

This scene couldn't help but make Thor let out a savage cry.

Looking at 06 from others, Thor looks like a lunatic.

If Loki woke up and saw this scene, he would probably be pissed off.

I cooperated with Midgard and Thanos this time, just to make Asgard a headache, but I didn't expect Thor to play so happily.

But after a while, you came to the top of the Stark Building.

And here happens to be the location of the teleportation device.

In an instant, all the enemies seemed to be aware of Thor's intentions, and they stopped here like crazy.

But it is clear that Thor at the moment is like the God of War possessed, knocking down the enemies who came to stop him in just a moment.

As for the behemoth not far away, this guy also wanted to stop it, but unfortunately, the teleportation device was right beside Thor.

According to its huge size, if it attacks, it will inevitably affect the transmission device.

Loki is on the side, currently still in a coma state, which makes Thor wonder whether he has overloaded the electric current in his body?

Turning his head to look in front of him, he saw a huge teleportation device in front of him, with Tesseract emitting a different kind of light in the center.

Seeing this, Thor was even more fascinated.

What power might lie within this humble cube of crystal?

It even opened up another universe beyond the Nine Realms.

And the way to unlock the portal is also very simple, only need to use Loki's scepter.

Thinking of this, Thor set his sights on the scepter.

Just holding this thing, you can feel something calling yourself.

And this call is very real, because this is Thor's own inner evil thoughts being infinitely magnified!

The mind scepter has this kind of ability, unless Thor is the kind of person with extremely pure character, just like Captain America Steve Rogers.

Under the induction of strength, Thor lifted the scepter with difficulty.

But in the sky, Luo Feng just left some words, and then rushed into the portal.

There is not much time left for Luo Feng, only a few minutes.

The gap opened by the At the moment portal is extremely huge.

If you look up close to 433, you can even see the alien aircraft carrier hidden in the darkness of the universe behind the portal.

S.H.I.E.L.D's aircraft carrier is nothing compared to it, this is the real monster!


And inside it, countless soldiers drilled out of it, ready to join the ranks of invading Blue Star.

It's just that before they got out of it, they saw a flash of sword light, and these enemies were killed on the spot!

Luo Feng At the moment's body has already crossed the portal, and is between two dimensions, but this is so, Luo Feng does not feel cold, or even lack of oxygen.

All of this is the credit of the moon demon curse blue. .

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