Loki's heart is full of doubts.

He thought that the plan was flawless, but who would have expected such a mistake to happen.

Whether it's Loki or Thanos, all of them underestimated the combat ability of this planet.

I'm afraid Loki will never realize until his death that his majestic revenge plan this time is actually just a trick by Thanos to test this planet.


At the moment, the door slowly opened.

It was Thor and Luo Feng who came.

Loki laughed out loud when he saw these two familiar faces.

At the same time, Luo Feng also turned off the soundproofing device of the cell. Even though Loki's brainwashing ability is extremely powerful, the two people standing in front of him are well aware of this guy's ability.

"So... my dear brother, do you have anything else to say?"

Thor stood at the prison door.

This meeting is only about Loki's fate.

After hearing these words, Loki suddenly jumped up from the prison.

His eyes were wide open, and his eyes were fixed on Thor's body.

"Then what's the deal with you, should I be tied to the damn gallows and strangled alive, or put in a sack and thrown into the deep sea`々?"

"It's ironic, when will we Asgard obey the arrangements of the Midgard people!"


Loki's hands were clenched into fists, and At the moment was pounding hard on the cell glass.

But it's a pity that this glass is made of Longguo tempered glass, so how can Loki's body be able to destroy it!

Luo Feng watched his every word and deed.

In an instant, Luo You showed the saber at his waist.

This inexplicable aura made Loki tremble even more, and finally he was honest.

Loki is a smart guy who knows when to act on color.

Luo Feng smiled suddenly, as if he was praising Loki for being a good boy.

In the face of powerful forces, all lies and hypocrisy are false.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, the once incomparable god of trickery, At the moment's expression was full of grievances.

It's hard to imagine that this guy was the culprit who almost caused Blue Star to activate the destructive weapon a few hours ago.

"Loki, there's no need to be pitiful here, do you know what you brought to this planet?"


"No, it's worse than that, Loki, you've committed a heinous crime!"

"So? I just want to hear what you're going to do with me, a poor man imprisoned after the plan failed.

Loki's attitude said it all.

This guy is screwed.

It seems that life is ignored.

This attitude really annoyed Thor.

He immediately slapped the glass with a distorted expression, "Listen, I will bring you back to Asgard, and you will be imprisoned in the palace until your father wakes up

Of course he will know what absurdity you have done!"

Speaking of Asgard, this is definitely the last place Loki would want to return to.

There are too many unwilling memories of Loki there.

Perhaps (Zhao Le's) just inadvertently, there was a slight tremor on Loki's sinister and cunning face.

It was his whole body that was shaking.

For a moment, whether Thor or Loki, everyone fell silent.

Luo Feng saw all this in the center of his eyes with mixed feelings.

Perhaps by the time the two brothers live in harmony, Asgard has been destroyed, and Loki... will die at the hands of Thanos.

Thor will watch it all!.

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