Having said that, the weapons used by the enemies are definitely worth researching.

Regardless of the energy source or driving method of this weapon, in the eyes of Red Queen and Luo Feng, they are all so novel.

"It seems that the biggest spoils of war in this war are only Tesseract and psychic authority."

Luo Feng couldn't help turning his head to look at the suitcase and the exposed scepter on the table beside him.

In the original plot, Tesseract was taken away by Thor, and in disguise, it was given to Thanos.

And Mind Gem is the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D, which was infiltrated by HYDRA, and turned to create horror products.

It can even be said that Mind Gem is the key to opening the Avengers alliance2!

Thinking of this, Luo Feng squatted and felt a headache, "That's right... the members of HYDRA who were infiltrated inside S.H.I.E.L.D, this is indeed a headache."

These members need to be purged, but not now.

This is an internal matter of S.H.I.E.L.D, and it doesn't seem to have much to do with Luo Feng.

Having said that, but before long, the enemy named Winter Warrior will also appear, and turn to attract all of Steve's attention.

Luo Feng still intentionally recruited Winter Soldier, a whitewashed and weakened character.

And on the streets of New York.

The soldiers did not evacuate after the battle, but began to clean up all kinds of wreckage on the ground because of the orders from above.

Whether it's the wreckage of a building, or the remains of the enemy's bones.

In the eyes of the Warriors, these enemies are pathetic.

Even after death, their bones were left on this planet forever.

S.H.I.E.L.D's research on alien Warrior is almost the same as Luo Feng's.

When they learned that the armor on these guys was just steel, disappointment was written on the faces of the chief and the others.

Having said that, these steel elements are smelted together, which can be regarded as a resource property.

On the aircraft carrier, a large number of wrecked soldiers were transported to the factory under S.H.I.E.L.D, because only the area avenue there could accommodate them.

The director at the moment stood on the edge of the aircraft carrier and looked down, his expression full of melancholy.

And at the moment, agent Hill came forward slowly.

"Then how are you going to dispose of these enemy corpses`

This is a big problem.

The director's idea at the moment is very simple, send these enemies inside the factory and hand them over to the workers.

Peel off the armor layer by layer, the only valuable part of them is this.

These steels are then thrown into the furnace for quenching.

Maybe you can learn the enemy's forging skills.

S.H.I.E.L.D, after researching the armor, came to the same conclusion as the Red Queen.

Although it is made of steel, the opponent's forging technology surpasses that of humans. They can forge the steel harder to obtain stronger defense ability.

If this kind of forging technology can be learned, the overall combat power of human beings can also be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, the director smiled helplessly.

"'What about weapons?"

The director turned to look at (No's) Hill beside him, "What kind of structure are the weapons used by these guys?"

Obviously, the director wants to use all the places with value points on the enemy.

But this question also really embarrassed Hill.

"The energy supply of the weapon is unknown. The power of the weapon should surpass the guns and ammunition commonly used by humans, and it is weaker than small missiles. It is dense and has average penetration performance."

All kinds of data were then presented in front of the director.

His face also darkened. .

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