American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Ten Changes Broke Out After It Was Put On The Shelves! ! ! ! Commitment

Insist on originality and eliminate violations

I, Zilan, guarantee that the signed work is my own original creation, and that I will strictly follow the Feilu Writer Convention during the creation process, insist on originality, and avoid the following violations. If there is any violation, I am willing to bear all the consequences arising therefrom

1. Guarantee that the contracted works belong to their own original works, and do not involve plagiarism or plagiarism in plots in Chinese translation

2. Guaranteed not to plagiarize any third-party works or plots during the creation process

3. Guarantee that the work Feilu is the first release and the only signing website

3. Ensure compliance with laws and regulations in the creative process, including but not limited to: no politics, no pornography, gambling and drugs, no propaganda of cults, no ghostwriting, no stuffing of waste manuscripts, no trusteeship, no sale of works and accounts and other violations

4. Guarantee that regardless of the number of words of the work, the contracted work must complete the plot, never unfinished, let alone finish

Ten changes broke out after it was put on the shelves! ! ! !

List testimonials.

It will be on the shelves at 7 o'clock tonight, and I beg all readers to give me a first order! ! !

Continue to ask for flowers and all kinds of data! ! ! !

The reason why this book can survive is entirely due to the great encouragement from readers.

It can be said that without your encouragement, maybe I would have been eunuch because of the miserable data on the first day.

But as long as there is one flower and one ticket increase, I believe that someone will read my book.

So I will not be a eunuch! ! ! !

Never eunuch! ! !

Not to mention ghostwriting! ! !

It will never end badly! ! !

I don't want to sell badly in the testimonials on the shelves, and I don't guarantee any promises.

With all this energy, it's better to blow up a few more photos for readers when it's on the shelves.

so what.

Ten changes broke out after it was put on the shelves! ! ! !

Ten changes broke out after it was put on the shelves! ! ! !

Ten changes broke out after it was put on the shelves! ! ! !

Ten changes broke out after it was put on the shelves! ! ! !

Do what you say, never break your word! ! ! !

it's here,

Say important things three times! ! !

Ask for the first order! Ask for the first order! Ask for the first order!

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