American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 564: The Secret Weapon Against Riots

And in a trance, Luo Feng suddenly had a bolder idea.

Let the venom reside on your body, and the Ability of the venom will be further improved!

"Venom, come to me!"

Luo Feng suddenly raised his head, and there was some kind of awareness in his eyes.

For a moment, Gwen was stunned.

And even more so with Venom!

Obviously, Venom knows the characteristics of the symbiote, he definitely knows how much his Ability will be improved if he boards on Luo Feng's body!

With this kind of condition, no matter which symbiont it is, it will not be indifferent!

For a moment, Venom poked its head out again, and stared straight at~ Luo Feng.

"You should know that it takes a certain amount of time for the symbiont to replicate the host's ability.

"And we don't have much time left."

Venom always has a sense of crisis, because he knows Riot's character.

This battle will completely discredit the violence, it will find the next host at any time and come to take revenge.

"I know, but I trust your ability."

Having said that, Luo Feng still chooses to believe in Venom.

He wasn't afraid that the venom would stay on him, after all, Luo Feng had plenty of ways to deal with the venom.

"The riot is just an ant, we don't need to worry about it, the moment should be to improve your ability, whether it's your ability as a symbiont, or the tacit understanding between you and Eddie.

In the current situation, Luo Feng hit the nail on the head. The current venom is really too weak.

What Venom cares about is Luo Feng's evaluation of the riot.

An ant? But it happened to be the ant this guy was talking about, and he almost killed himself before!

And at the moment, the Red Queen suddenly manipulated her mech body and took out an item from the laboratory.

"This is a weapon specially made to deal with riots. It is similar to a sonic bomb, but it is much more powerful than a sonic bomb."

Looking around, the first impression of this object is probably a grenade, but in fact, this thing is not that simple.

Made by the Red Queen, it must be a boutique!

"This thing can easily decompose the riot from the host's body and temporarily lose its ability to move, but Venom, you must go through some training!"

If Venom wants to eradicate the riot first, Luo Feng doesn't have much opinion.

0......seeking flowers......

But seeing that everyone in the team is getting stronger, he will not allow Venom to stagnate.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and eradicate the riot! I will not be safe until this guy dies!"

The venom seemed to have forgotten all Luo Feng's previous words, and only paid attention to the extremely lethal weapon that Luo Feng said.

This carefree character made Luo Feng a little speechless.

"Red Empress, what is the current situation of the site I bought before?"

"How is the decoration going now?"

"Master, the base of the site has been constructed, and the next step is the equipment. According to your request, the entire site has been equipped with a reinforced floor."

Luo Feng was even more satisfied when he heard about the current situation of the training ground.

As for equipment issues, these are naturally arranged by the red queen.

This matter is just a matter of time.

Before this question, Luo Feng has one more important thing to do.

About League of Legends.

Although compared with the DC next door, it is a bit of a joke, but it is undeniable that this is the official evaluation of the hero organization formed by Luo Feng!.

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