American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 57 Lizardmen In The Whole City, Join The Glorious Evolution

The Queen.

Peter Parker's home.

Now people are watching at the door of Peter's house.

On the table.

Ben Parker said: "There was a shootout last night, so don't come back if you're too late in the lab."

"Understood, Ben Uncle, you and Aunt May should also take care of yourselves.

"Don't open the door when a stranger knocks."

If Luo Feng hadn't told him not to worry, Peter would have even wanted to pick up the two elderly people right away.

He didn't expect that the lizard Connors could find it here.

But soon, this matter will be over.

Just then the phone in his pocket rang.

Peter saw that it was Luo Feng calling.

"Uncle, I'm going to answer the phone first."

Ben Parker, who was eating, just waved his hand and didn't say much.

After walking to the living room, Peter answered the phone: "What's wrong?"

"Peter, I'll be right there when you get out the door. 11

"Found the location of Connors the Lizard."

Peter cheered up: "Okay, I'll go out right away.

"Uncle Ben, Aunt May."

"There is something urgent in the lab, I'm leaving first."

After finishing speaking, he ran out without saying anything to the two old men.


Just as Aunt Mei wanted to chase her out, she was stopped by Ben Parker: "Young man, it's a good thing to be busy."

"Come back and eat."

Aunt Mei could only sit back on the dining table in frustration, and looked at the toast that had only eaten a few bites: "Peter is poor.

"If he can be admitted to such a school, and a professor as good as Connors is willing to teach him, his father can rest in peace.

Ben Parker suddenly dissatisfied: "Eat when you eat, what's sensational."

"He's an old man, and he's still sensational. You don't say it when Peter is around..."


Peter got into Luo Feng's car, and Luo Feng threw the cooler in his hand on him.

"Do you want to solve this matter yourself, or should I help?"

Peter glanced at Luo Feng, "——Seven" finally said: "I want to solve the problems caused by Professor Conners and me.

Luo Feng glanced at Peter with a half-smile.

Although responsible, but no brains.

But Luo Feng didn't say much, but said: "I'll send you over to meet Qiao Zhi now."

"They have an anesthesia gun in their hands, and you equip the reagents into the anesthesia gun.

"I've taught you the method, it's up to you whether you succeed or not."

Listening to Luo Feng's plan, Peter nodded in understanding.

Soon, Peter followed Luo Feng to a street corner, which was cordoned off.

Many citizens did not know what happened.

But he didn't dare to go forward and ask carefully, and the position inside was precisely George and his police officers who were preparing to go down.

"Go ahead.

Peter got out of the car with the anti-gene reagent and rushed to the cordon.

Immediately, he was stopped by the police outside: "It is not allowed to pass through here now."

"Please go somewhere else."

"I want to go in, don't stop me."

Seeing that Peter was about to break in, one of the police officers immediately put his hand on the handle of his gun.

"I warn you again, don't..."

"George Uncle, it's me, Peter Parker!"

As soon as Peter shouted, the police officer's warnings and movements stopped.

Good guy, you know the director and you didn't tell me earlier!

George heard Peter's shout, and immediately turned to look at the street entrance: "Peter Parker?"

"Why is he here?"

Knowing that Connors had turned into a lizard monster after injecting genetic reagents himself, George didn't waste time on Peter.

It can also recover unnecessary waste of police force.

What he didn't expect, at such a time, Peter would take the initiative to come to him.

Under George's signal, a police officer beside him brought Peter over.

"Peter, you should have known that from the beginning."

Peter didn't hide it anymore this time, but apologized: "I'm sorry, George Uncle, I have to do it too."

"I know you are going to catch Professor Connors now, can you take me with you?"

George narrowed his eyes.

I wondered why he knew about the actions of the police station, but he didn't ask too much at this juncture.

Instead, he said, "Give me a reason to take you with me."

Peter raised the refrigerator in his hand and said, "This is an anti-gene reagent, which can restore Professor Connors to his original state."

"Please let me go down with you."

George and his colleagues glanced at each other, and George continued to ask, "How do I use this thing?"

Peter is not stupid, once he directly tells how to use it.

Maybe George won't take himself down.

Instead, he said: "I need to adjust the dose on the spot and use an anesthesia gun to fire.

"As long as you can hit Professor Connors, you can turn him back into a human."

George knew a little about these things, but not much.

However, it can also be seen from Peter's body language that Peter is not lying: "Give him a body armor.

"Let's go down now."

"Explain to other groups, align the time, and we will advance synchronously."

After Peter put on the body armor, George walked to Peter's side: "Follow me, I still have a few questions to ask you."

In the sewer.

Peter followed George, and George asked, "Why is Kurt Connors looking for you?"

"Is there anything in you that he wants?"

Peter knew that if he wanted to move on with George, it was time to tell the whole truth.

"Because I have the last tube of genetic reagent on me."

"Professor Connors wants to use the last genetic reagent to create a race like him..."

Peter explained the habits of the lizard used in the experiment.

After hearing this, George and the others couldn't help but gasp.

To create such a race, how many people have to become such lizard monsters.

Isn't this similar to what the previous Mutant Brotherhood did?

"But how is he going to do it?"

A police officer raised his own question: "According to what you said, there is only one tube of genetic medicine left, and it can only turn one person into a lizard monster at most."

"He's going to create a race like this?"

The others also looked at Peter curiously.

Peter let out a breath, and continued to explain: "I originally thought that the purpose of teaching Connors was to use this tube of reagents to create a female lizardman.

"Then reproduce."

Everyone suddenly realized.

This method is really simple and crude.

There's nothing wrong with it other than it takes a little longer.

"It wasn't until I reanalyzed the components of the genetic reagent that I realized how smart Professor Connors is."

"What's the meaning?"

George grasped the key point at once.

"The genetic reagent is manufactured using the regeneration gene of the lizard. It only needs to combine one gene with the human gene, and it can be constantly regenerated and created."

"That is to say, one tube of genetic reagent can inject hundreds of people at the same time, and one person only needs a little bit.

"You mean, which tube of gene can Kurt Connors use to inject into multiple people at the same time?"

Peter shook his head: "That's not only troublesome, but also easy to cause panic and cause the plan to fail."

"I've thought about it, and I can only think of one way."

"Using the atomized drug technology of Osborn Industry, the gene reagent is atomized and attached to the dust in the air, so that it can be spread to the whole city.

"Turn the whole New York City into a lizard paradise."

"You mean the new technology that Osborn Industries put into commercial use some time ago?"

"Aerosolize the drug to the molecular File size, and the patient can use a lower drug dose to achieve better therapeutic effect after inhalation.

George remembered the press conference of Osborn Industry not long ago, and he went to maintain order now.

So know what it is.

Hear this speculation from Peter.

Everyone present could feel the chills in their backs, if the lizard Connors really got the genetic reagent at that time.

and successfully implemented the plan.

Well they now...

They will all become lizardmen!

"Where is the genetic reagent now?"

George asked again.

Until this moment, he didn't feel the feeling of hair standing on end, almost!

Almost, the whole of New York fell.

Fortunately, there were no such consequences.

"Don't worry, after I researched the anti-gene reagent, I destroyed that thing."

Hearing this, the doctor was relieved.

"Peter, remember."

"If you see Kurt Connors later, you have to start preparing anti-gene reagents as soon as possible."

"We have the best snipers on site."

"We can buy you time, but not much..."

Peter also nodded solemnly, and tightly grasped the cooler in his hand.

As the team advanced, they could already smell a stench in the air, as well as a strong smell of blood.

This taste made everyone frowned.

"Head, according to the thermal imager, that guy should be not far ahead."

George immediately made a gesture to signal everyone to slow down. …

In the corner behind everyone, a black shadow soldier slowly looked at everyone with blood-red eyes.

the other side.

Luo Feng stood on a rooftop, condescendingly looking down at the guarded sewer entrance below.

And the soldiers of the Black Shadow Corps who he arranged in the sewer played a monitoring role.

This is also the Ability that Luo Feng just developed.

He has a special connection with the summoned Black Shadow Legion, although he cannot directly see the scene.

But through this special connection, we can understand the general situation of the scene.

"Queen Red, how long will it take for Gwen to arrive?"

"Miss Gwen has two minutes left, and the route has been planned for her, and she will go directly into the sewer later.

"I hope Gwen and Peter can solve it."

"I really don't want to go into the sewer at all..."

Luo Feng shook his head and said with some disgust.

On the sewer platform.

At the moment's lizard Connors is hiding in a corner and feasting, but this time it's not a human.

But a few dogs.

I don't know if it's the last bit of humanity that prevents him from continuing to eat people, or there are other reasons.

The molted skin on the platform is still clearly visible.

Suddenly, the lizard Connors, who was eating dinner, raised his head and turned around as if he had discovered something.


"There are others..."

Lizard Connors felt this familiar smell, wasn't it the Peter Parker he had been looking for...

"Peter, I have to catch you!"

The thoughts in his mind told Lizard Connors that Peter took the initiative to find him in the sewer, there must be an ambush.

But his instinct is constantly urging him to catch each other quickly

Yes, get the genetic reagents to create a new race.

In the end it was racial instinct that prevailed.

Lizard Connors just covered his head in place for a while, and his vertical pupils were stained with manic blood red again.


With a low growl, the lizard Connors ran directly in the direction Peter came from.

The sound of four feet landing is particularly harsh in this environment.

George and the others also heard the sound of something running over.


"Peter, prepare the anti-gene reagent immediately!"

Immediately, a sniper approached Peter and motioned him to load his tranquilizer gun.

Peter immediately took out a tube of anti-gene reagent and injected it directly into the needle of the anesthesia gun.

"Didn't you say it needs to be re-deployed?"

"I lied to you, I must personally rescue my teacher..."

The sniper didn't know what to say for a while.

I also know that this is not the time to care about.

Because not far away, the lizard Connors was crawling towards this side in a strange posture.

Finally stay on top of the pipe.

He stared straight at the people below, like a lizard in the jungle, catching its prey.

"Peter, have you brought my genetic reagents?"

"Professor Connors, I know you are in pain now, stop it."

Peter wished he could bring back the old Kurt Connors, not this brutal monster.


"No, Peter!"

"I feel extremely happy now, this body is the greatest evolution of human beings, we no longer have to be afraid of pain.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, in order to demonstrate his correctness, the lizard Connors opened his mouth and bit off one of his arms.

Then, like spitting residue, he spit it directly on the ground.

This scene was so powerful that a female police officer couldn't bear it and began to retch.

The next moment, the arm that had just been bitten off unexpectedly grew back again.

"Peter, look."

"Isn't that what we've been experimenting with for so many years.

"We've made it!"

As he spoke, the lizard Connors turned over and fell below, stepping on the arm he had just spat out.

George could clearly feel that his body was a whole circle bigger than when he met last night.

"Now you just need to hand me the genetic reagents, and I'll go to damn Osborn Industries and find the atomizer."

"Let's lead all of humanity into a glorious evolution, starting with New York City!"

Peter didn't want to listen to the nonsense of the lizard Connors, so he took the anesthesia gun away from the sniper Qianli.

Without saying a word, he pulled the trigger directly towards the lizard Connors.

The potion was fired directly.

Just when everyone thought that the reagent was about to be inserted into the body of the lizard Connors.

Lizard Connors raised his hand to grab it, and he grabbed the anti-gene reagent in his hand and squeezed it hard, turning 0.3 blue liquid out from between his fingers.

"My gut tells me this thing is dangerous."

"Peter, if you treat your teacher like this, have you forgotten how I taught you?"

Seeing the lizard Connors approaching.

George made a decisive decision: "Back, high-explosive incendiary bombs forward!"

In the rear, the two policemen immediately exchanged positions with George in the front, and they held two huge caliber gun barrels in their hands.

Aim for Connors the Lizard and launch.

This time the lizard Connors didn't feel the deadly threat as he did just now, thinking it was another ordinary bullet.

Just continue to rush forward regardless.

Unexpectedly, when the two round ammunition touched his body, they exploded instantly and ignited a small flame.

A lot of liquid splashed onto the body of the lizard Connors, and the flames burst into flames instantly.

Severe high temperature burns.

In an instant, the lizard Connors wailed, and combined with the echoes from the sewers, it looked extremely horrific.

Just when everyone thought that even if the fire could not kill the lizard Connors, it could seriously injure him.

Connors, the lizard in flames, rolled on the ground constantly.

Finally plunged into the water.

Most of that layer of liquid remained directly on the water surface, causing the water surface to ignite and extinguish.


George has done all the calculations, but the water in the sewer is unexpectedly so deep!

"Head, what should we do now..."

"You won't let him run away again?"

George raised his hand and signaled everyone to lean aside and stay away from the water.

Sure enough, the next moment, the lizard Connors rushed out of the water, if someone had just approached the water.

Afraid that he would bite directly.

The lizard Connors lay on top of the water pipe again, although the place on his body that was on fire just now was a little blackened.

But obviously it did not cause any actual damage, but instead aroused the viciousness of the lizard Connors.

"Peter, I'll kill them all before you take me to get the genetic test plan."

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