American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 574 The Person Who Is Unlikely To Come, Thor Is Here!

And when everyone saw Banner walking slowly towards this side, their faces were filled with embarrassment.

You must know that they were the ones who were wanted by the whole city and made the green titan desperate and had no choice but to fight hard steel with the military!

Thinking of all the actions it had taken against Banner before, the military felt even more ashamed.

As for this, Banner saw these faces again, and felt somewhat angry in his heart.

"Master, it is detected that Banner's heart rate is skyrocketing."

"Banner, calm down, the day cut is over."

It wasn't until Luo Feng spoke to persuade Banner that he withdrew his ferocious expression.

"Okay, everyone is almost here, the meeting can begin."

Seeing everyone returning to their seats, ~ Luo Feng said immediately.

In an instant, I saw the commander's expression tremble.

"Wait, isn't there another one?"

"The one who can fly in the sky with a hammer.

There is no doubt that the superhero this guy is talking about is naturally Thor.

And thinking that Thor might still be living his princely life in Asgard at this time, Luo Feng could only smile helplessly.

"That guy can't come for the time being."

I can't go to Asgard to call Thor over for this meeting, can I?

Obviously, this is not possible.

As everyone knows, Thor At the moment is using Bifrost on Heimdall to monitor every move of Blue Star, including this shocking conference scene.

"Oh my god, this guy doesn't call me, he doesn't call me!"

Thorton felt abandoned for a moment.

And in the city government.

Seeing that the meeting was about to start, the sky suddenly became cloudy.

A rainbow strikes the ground like lightning!

When the smoke cleared, Thor walked out of it slowly.

"Sorry gentlemen, I'm late."

Anyone can recognize Thor's exaggerated attire, especially the iconic hammer.

It's funny to say, but the most recognizable thing on Thor's body is this hammer.

And when Luo Feng saw Thor coming, he was surprised again.

"Honestly, I didn't expect you to be here."

"Come on, it's boring in Asgard, why can't I come to Midgard?"

As everyone knows, Thor spent a lot of time talking with Heimdall in order to come here.

0...seeking flowers...0

Now, the Avengers alliance is fully staffed.

The name proposed by the director has also passed the military review.

Now this group of heroes officially has a name——Avengers!

When the military announced the news, the audience was even more excited.

The media seemed to have thought of what the news headline was for a moment.

And in the hands of the military, there is also a public vote on many heroes, just to select the public's favorite superhero.

And when this data was put on the screen, it was unexpected that Iron Man was the first, followed by Spider-man.

As for Luo Feng, even though he was the key to turning the tide of the battle, his number of votes was pitifully low, at the bottom.

Definitely, Luo Feng doesn't care about these, it's just the people's vote after all.

"So... Mr. Luo, do you have any plans for the future of Avengers?"

"Just like the prospects of these superheroes, you should think about their future."

"And about the meaning of this organization's existence, what are you going to contribute to the city?"

At the beginning of the meeting, Jun conveniently asked all kinds of tricky questions, which really caught people off guard. .

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