American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 577 The Arrival Of Sandman Makes The City Feel The Pain!

And the person who sneaked into the venue was none other than Sandman Wilhelm, who had discussed a bunch of plans with the riots in the most chaotic neighborhood before.

At the moment he was standing in the stands.

"Perhaps the biggest benefit of obtaining this ability is that I can turn into sand and go in and out of various places, and these fools will not find me."

Wilhelm drank the wine in his hand, and then smiled evilly, as if he was planning some conspiracy in his heart.

And it is true.

Wilhelm came here this time to make the city feel dark and violent.

"Even if these superheroes live in this city, it is still difficult for them to guarantee that the entire city can be protected. Don't they understand such an obvious truth?"

Wilhelm was talking to himself, and at the moment, riot suddenly emerged from his body.

"Isn't this the style these people want to come?"

Suddenly, the two of them smiled at the same time.

At the same time, in the backstage of the venue, the media team members noticed something bad.

Just now there was a chill passing through his back.

And that chill is none other than Gwen's Spider Telepathy!

"I'm not feeling well...

Thinking of this, Gwen didn't dare to delay, and quickly pushed away the media around her, and turned to Luo Feng's side.

But Luo Feng's situation is the same as Gwen's. These reporters don't care so much, they only focus on the hot spots in the eyes of ordinary people.

"Occupant, a suspicious person has been detected entering the venue, it seems to be Sandman Wilhelm."

"Luo Feng, I just had a response from Spider Telepathy, there must be something mixed in here."

Almost at the same time, the Red Queen and Gwen spoke at the same time.

Luo Feng naturally knows the truth behind this.

The Red Queen just feels that the other party is like Sandman, but Gwen has Spider Telepathy, which means that the other party is indeed human.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng suddenly grinned, his expression was a bit weird.

"Please get out of the way now, unless you want to be killed by some super criminal, buried and suffocated by countless sands!"

Luo Feng, who was standing in front of the podium, spoke directly into the microphone.

For a moment, the expressions of everyone present were stunned.

After the sluggishness, there is resentment and panic.

Obviously, they all knew that super criminals were around, but they didn't expect that these super criminals would dare to join in the fun for such an important event as the establishment of Avengers!

There was a mess of porridge in an instant.

In it, the cup in Wilhelm's hand dropped to the ground.

"Damn, how does this guy know?"

"Wilhelm, there's not much time left, before they find you [do it or get away with it!"

Luo Feng's words instantly made Wilhelm's scalp tingle, and the riot residing in his body was even more so.

It was boarding on De Rake before, it has read the news, and it also knows how terrifying the strength of this man who spoke on the podium is!

"Okay, okay, please know this even if you don't remind me!"

Realizing that time was running out, Wilhelm immediately slapped his palms to the ground.

"It's time for this city to feel evil and pain!"

Under the floor, countless gravels are surging crazily, it seems that Sandman's Ability has increased a lot since he was boarded by the riot!

Now Wilhelm can even manipulate the grit through the floor and make it work for him!.

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