American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 581 History Repeats Itself, Why Am I The One Who Got Hurt

The moment Venom twisted its huge body and was about to strike.

The weird liquid under his feet suddenly turned into a series of blades, piercing into the venom's body in an instant!

Spread like gravel in piles!

Venom was dumbfounded.

Eddie was also dumbfounded, and even thought about ten thousand words in his mind and wanted to complain about the venom.

The first point, this is his body, the second point, this is his body, the third point, this is still his body!

The sting jolted Eddie out of the dark abyss.

"Are you mistaken, Venom, what are you doing with my body?"

Eddie could feel the blood in his body constantly flowing out, and even his whole body began to gradually become weaker.

And when Eddie looked up and looked in front of him. 06

I saw Wilhelm slowly walking towards the two of them.

Riot shrank into him in an instant.

One of Wilhelm's arms turned into a hammer of sand, looking at the dying Venom, and even Eddie wrapped in it.

"You're Venom? I heard Riot tell you about you, you're a loser."

Seeing the embarrassment of Venom, Riot only felt excited, ravaged him, tortured him to death!

The voice kept echoing in Wilhelm's head.

Venom half-kneeled on the ground, trying to stand up.

Facing Wilhelm's insults, he was even more unceremonious, "I don't deny this, my failure is just like you, prisoner in a cage!"

Venom had heard Sandman's story from Luo Feng's mouth, and he just wanted to see Wilhelm's angry appearance.

As Venom thought, Wilhelm was really irritated by these words.

He raised his fist and blasted straight at Venom's chest.

The power of this blow can be said to be so powerful that even the venom was sent flying several meters away.


This huge body turned against the ground, splashing a cloud of gunpowder immediately.

Seeing this scene, a hundred thousand reasons appeared in Eddie's mind.

"Does it do us any good?"

"No, I just look down on this scum to slander me."

"Well, my wound is still recovering, and you are trying to turn the tide in order to restore my wound, how are we going to deal with this guy?"

Venom does things without thinking, and for a moment Eddie felt that he was much smarter than Venom.

The sound of Wilhelm's dull footsteps continued to echo in his ears.

But gradually, that sound disappeared, replaced by a heavier pace.

It's a riot!

"Think about our planet, how does it treat people like you?"

Riot narrowed his eyes and stared at Venom, already thinking about how to do it.

But just as Riot waved his sharp blade to cut off Venom's head, a figure suddenly emerged.

Just like the first rescue, Spider-man Gwen suddenly came out from somewhere, and kicked 03 Riot to the ground!

Piles of rubbish covered the entire body of the riot in an instant, and the stench was simply unavoidable.

"It seems... history repeats itself?"

Gwen looked at the dying venom on the ground, and then at the venom who was kicked aside by him.

The picture in the corridor is faintly visible.

"Then according to the following story, I will drive you out of your host again?"

Gwen was still teasing.

Only Venom lying on the ground was secretly sad.

Why am I the one who gets hurt every time?"

In fact, Venom was beaten unilaterally this time because he didn't think about things, and he can't blame others. .

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