American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 585 Cowardly And Cowardly, Driven By Hatred!

And in the dark alleys, Venom and Riot, the battle between Spider-man and Sandman Wilhelm continues.

But now the two groups are at war with each other.

"Eddie, I need you and my will to be unified so that I can maximize my Ability."

The sound of venom was still echoing in his ears.

This transformation is entirely Venom's own will and therefore, At the moment's Venom Ability is not maximized.

And Eddie in the poisonous liquid "Seven Eight Three" is still fighting.

But reality slapped Eddie hard.

"Listen Eddie, since you chose me, you chose this path, and facing riots and these monsters at the same time is our destiny."

After repairing Eddie's body, the venom was gradually fading from Eddie's body, and when it was about to enter Eddie's body, the venom suddenly said this.

For a moment, Eddie stared blankly in place.

Looking back, Sandman Wilhelm, who has transformed into a storm, is fighting fiercely with Spider-man.

In the alley, Gwen used her ability to climb the wall as a spider to the extreme. She has a sensitive figure and is a living valkyrie.

In contrast, the huge body of Riot seemed somewhat crowded in the alley.

Riot retreated again and again under the attack of the storm, and let out a hoarse roar.

This roar echoed throughout the alley, enough to make passers-by feel a little scared.

In this regard, Gwen directly threw a punch.

It's just that unlike before, the power of this punch is not as Gwen expected.

Instead, it directly penetrated the body of the riot.

After confirming the boarding relationship with Sandman Wilhelm, the two even shared Ability!

"Is this all you can do?"

The corner of Riot's mouth split open suddenly, and White's pupils stared straight at Gwen, this wretched look made people shudder even more.

The arm deeply trapped in the opponent's body was even more violently absorbed by an extremely violent Ability Adsorbent.

Gwen couldn't help but stand firm, so as to ensure that she would not be sucked into the monster's body.

The blood and flesh of the riot is constantly churning, like a meat grinder, trying to swallow Spider-man into the body and eat it alive!

Even the inconspicuous layer of dirt on the ground gradually became apparent under Gwen's resistance.

"Venom, what are you still doing?"

Gwen really didn't expect that her blow would bring such a result. At this moment, Gwen panicked...

The call in his ear made Eddie recover from his sluggishness even more.

Looking up, Gwen was struggling in front of Riot.

But in the face of that berserk force, all of this seemed a bit useless.

Seeing this scene, Eddie felt even more hopeless.

"This guy is so powerful, how could we beat him!"

Eddie hasn't gone through the journey of becoming a superhero yet. At the moment, he is just a normal person.

Who would be willing to do such a risky thing and put themselves in danger?

And at the moment, Venom's voice suddenly echoed in his mind.

"Think about our first fight, we can definitely do better, think about those people who look down on you in 2.4."

Since persuasion is useless, Venom is ready to arouse Eddie's fighting spirit in another way, using anger, hatred and grievance to wash away Eddie's soul!

Although this is not kind, it is undeniable that this is the best way to deal with Eddie's current state!

For a moment, layers of memories began to flash through Eddie's mind. .

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