American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 600 Detain All The Sinners!

"It will take a while until the water flows everywhere."

Gwen was buffered from the suffocation, and then looked up to her eyes.

Sandman is beginning to reorganize in the form of sand.

Behind the two, the riot in the glass jar was still hitting the bottle trying to escape.

But these are all useless efforts.

Seeing Sandman end up like this, Bao was even more frustrated.

In fact, the riots still counted on Sandman to rescue "310" themselves, but now it seems that Sandman may not be able to protect himself.

"What an idiot, I asked you to release me just now and you didn't listen to my persuasion, isn't this annihilated now!"

The riot still howled.

And Sandman on the side gradually realized that something was wrong.

His body moved extremely slowly.

When he lowered his head, he realized that there was a puddle of sewage under his feet.

When the ground full of stains is washed by clean water, what is created is nothing more than layers of sewage.

Seeing this scene, Sandman was even more furious!

"Wait, did we forget that sand gets heavier when it hits water?"

"That means this guy's next attack will hurt even more!"

Gwen was seen climbing on the wall and turned to shoot the cobweb from different angles.

These cobwebs wrap Sandman layer by layer.

Because the supporting point of the cobweb is on the wall and has not been polluted by the sewage on the ground, it is still very strong.

And Sandman was walking in the water, and he tried to escape from it, but if it turned into sand, it would undoubtedly allow him to touch the ground with the largest area.

"Damn it, you crafty families!"

Sandman's mouth was full of insults.

Looking up, Venom was looking at Sandman provocatively.

"Sorry, I didn't hear what you scolded just now?"

Today, Sandman's hands and legs are wrapped in spider webs, and it is almost impossible to resist.

But even so, facing the venom, this guy was still stubborn, and said the insulting words again.

This time the venom will not be used to this guy.


With a straight punch, half of Sandman's body was smashed into loose sand.

And these gravels fell to the ground, turning into extremely heavy sand!

Lost half of the body, people feel extremely uncomfortable.

But Venom has more to do than that.

"Is there a bigger container, soak this guy with water all over, let's lock this guy up!"

"are you kidding me?"

"Sorry, I'm serious..."

Venom raised its legs and kicked the sand on the ground several meters away.

And this scope has gone beyond Wilhelm's manipulation of sand.

Seeing this scene, Wilhelm was even more annoyed.

The spider webs were still being shot one after another, and it seemed that the two had no intention of letting them go.

"I would like to know, what prison in the world can hold me now!"

The world prison in front of Sandman seems to be a steel cage, and he can easily escape from it as long as he turns into loose sand.

As everyone knows, there are special prisons in this world, just like the prisons in S.H.I.E.L.D. The full 5.2 airtightness is enough to trap Sandman in it.

It's like Mutant Prison again.

It is believed that the collars used to suppress Mutant Ability also have an effect on Sandman's Super Ability.

And hearing Sandman's proud words, Gwen couldn't help but pause after shooting the last spider web.

"Maybe I need to discuss this issue with Luo."

"We will imprison all criminals!"

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