American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 603 Steel Barrier, Colossus!

At the moment's Colossus was standing at the door, leaning against the wall with his arms folded on his chest. Colossus was quite helpless with Deadpool's unscrupulous character.

And when Luo Feng called out his name, the other party was even more astonished.

"Have you investigated us?"

How would Luo Feng answer this question?

I've seen you guys on TV, does that count as an investigation?

Luo Feng did not answer this question directly, but instead asked the other party, "So what is the purpose of your coming here this time?"

I thought it was Deadpool who was doing what he thought was justice on his own, but he never thought that this time it was actually an order issued by X Academy, otherwise Colossus would not have appeared here!

"We're here to save a race!"

I saw Colossus growl, and turned to charge Luo Feng with an iron fist.

This guy's whole body is made of 010 steel, it's not hard to tell from the color of his skin, this guy's body should be very hard!

Facing this guy's attack, Luo Feng gave a glance, and Cui, who was holding a flaming hammer, charged straight up!

Although the shape of this enemy looks exaggerated, since the enemy is dead, there is no reason for Colossus not to attack or resist!


The two sides fought, and saw that the warhammer was aimed at Colossus's head and smashed hard, and at the same time, a burst of flame burst out.

The hot temperature seems to melt people!

At the same time, under Cui's feet, another (agcc) crack appeared, and flames came out of it!

It is not difficult to see that in Jackie Chan's Adventures, the aura of Jackie Chan's protagonist is too strong, which leads to the fact that Gan Wencui's true strength cannot be brought into play.

Facing Choi's heavy hammer, even Colossus is a bit difficult to parry.

I saw that his legs were constantly bending, and he was about to kneel on the ground.

But even so, Colossus still had a fierce look on his face, showing no sign of retreating!

I also want to know that this is a battle about race after all. If Colossus chooses to surrender today, Chuanfeng is likely to bring a group of superheroes to the gate of the academy after that!

"You know, originally I was going to visit first, but I didn't expect the x academy to make a move so soon.

When Luo Feng said these words, the other party naturally misinterpreted the meaning.

I don’t know where the strength came from, Colossus pushed Cui’s flaming hammer away, and punched Cui’s chest!


The voice is so loud that you can feel the pain just by listening to it.

Fortunately, Cui's counter-strike ability is not too bad, but he has slowed down from this punch!

Compared with Colossus, Deadpool is much more embarrassed.

Gan just held the three-section stick and beat Deadpool back again and again.

"Can you understand such a complicated weapon?"

Amid the sound of weapons clashing, Deadpool kept backing away.

The opponent's brute force and attack speed are above Deadpool.

And in the rear, the huge shuriken in Wen's hand is brewing.

Wen has the attribute of wind, so the power of this shuriken is destined to be extraordinary.

In a trance, Luo Feng actually thought of the Fengdun Spiral Mobile Sword.

If Wen Ru throws out this attack, the power should be comparable to it!


Just as Luo Feng was watching the battle.

Cui was punched out by Colossus again, fell at Luo Feng's feet and turned into a pool of smoke!

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng immediately darkened his face.

After solving the minions, it's the turn of the main general.

I saw Colossus slowly approaching Luo Feng, "Okay, let's do it!"

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