American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 609: Super Ability Suppression Collar

After the director finished speaking, everyone's eyes fell on Sandman.

Judging by this guy's appearance, it is naturally impossible for him to follow a few people honestly.

But what if you turn it into sand and put it in a bottle in the form of sand?

Apparently, they simply couldn't find another bottle to come out~.

And the more anxious everyone is here, the happier Sandman is.

Originally thought that this reinforcement would have some kind of ability, but now it seems that it is just a useless effort to increase the number of people.

"Maybe...we can turn this guy into a human and bring him back."

The director suddenly raised his head, turned to rush towards his vehicle.

But these words were so unbelievable to the two of them.

Turning into a human? Is this guy going to be this honest?

Apparently, if Sandman had been brought into the car, the guy would have struggled.

And at the moment, the director walked out of the car with an item.

This thing looks like a collar.

It's just that compared with the collar, this thing is more advanced.

"What is this, are you going to put Sandman on a collar like a pet?"

For this item, I believe everyone's first impression must be a normal collar.

But in fact, this thing can suppress the enemy's super ability.

If it is only a common item, the director will not take it out at all.

"Remember the abomination fighting the green titan in the street?"

The chief turned his head and looked at Gwen.


Gwen doesn't pay much attention to the news, but Gwen still knows more or less about the green titan's monster fight.

"What happened to that guy after he was defeated by the green titan?"

The director's words immediately aroused Gwen's interest.

One must know that the power of the abomination is comparable to that of the green titan Hulk, whether he was secretly executed or imprisoned by the military.

If it is imprisoned, what kind of prison does this huge strength and size have to imprison it?

"The abomination was not killed, but put on this collar and imprisoned. As I said, the ability of this collar is to suppress super-ability."

After saying that, under Sandman's astonished gaze, the chief personally put a collar on the guy.

In an instant, Sandman's body that had turned into wet sand was gradually returning to normal and turned into flesh.

0...ask for flowers...

In order to test the function of the collar, the director deliberately took out a dagger and stabbed it into Wilhelm's abdomen.

White knives go in, red knives go out.

It turns out that this guy's sand-like properties have all disappeared.

Although Gwen didn't understand the principle of this circle, she was greatly shocked.

"With such a good thing, why didn't you take it out sooner?"

"Shh...that's a secret too.

The director looked at the sky mysteriously, as if his eyes could see objects above the clouds through layers of dark clouds.

"I'm going to put this guy in a prison for super criminals, including abominations."

On the way here, the director began to figure out where to put Sandman.

Now that he had reached his destination, the director finally came up with the answer himself.

When Gwen heard about it, he immediately became interested, and began to ask who was being held in the prison.

"Those are a group of terrifying enemies who went astray after gaining super abilities. Believe me, you don't want to know them."

"Sorry, the information about the prison is confidential, and I have no comment."

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