American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 62 Late Justice Is Not Justice

in the car.

Norman glanced at Harry beside him, and finally all the helplessness could only be turned into a long sigh.


I asked him that way just now, hoping that he would stay and help me persuade Peter, but this silly boy came back with me.

Harry felt that his father and Peter had conflicts, and it was inappropriate for him to stay there.

"Give me the phone."

Norman stopped worrying about these little things, and spoke to his driver.

The driver immediately handed Norman his personal cell phone.

After taking the mobile phone, Norman dialed the secretary's phone number: "Go and check Umbrella Company.

"After finding out, buy their company directly."

The secretary on the other end of the phone seemed to be familiar with this kind of thing, and replied directly: "Understood Boss."

Norman hung up the phone in satisfaction, and smiled with a successful plot: "Peter, it's up to you whether you want it or not!"

George's door.

Luo Feng's car parked steadily in front of the street, and George inside poked his head curiously.

"Which rich man is this?"

But soon, his eyes widened.

Because it was none other than his daughter Gwen and Luo Feng who got out of the car.

Helen also poked her head over curiously.

"Is that person Luo Feng? Looks pretty good..."

"The car looks expensive."

George gave her a blank look. This car not only looks expensive, but you may not be able to buy it if you have money.

He didn't expect that Luo Feng was actually a super rich second generation.

It must be that high-ranking noble again...

Immediately, his impression of Luo Feng dropped a lot. After all, few nobles in the beautiful country are good guys.

Especially their children.

Almost everyone he knows, everyone has a criminal record, and they are all veterans in the field of love.

Couldn't Gwen have been tricked by him?

The more George thought about it, the more he felt that it was impossible. Luo Feng must be revealed tonight.

Walking to the door and opening the door, George greeted the two with a smile: "Welcome to our house, Luo Feng."

"You're welcome, Jiji Uncle. 11

In Luo Feng's hands, there were some fruit gifts.

While talking, George asked Luo Feng for information.

Luo Feng also understood what George meant, and the two were doing Tai Chi and pulling each other.

Gwen didn't know how to communicate with boys, and saw that Luo Feng was still chatting so well with his father.

He simply ignored them and went directly to the dining table to help his mother.

"Mom, you're not cooking today, are you?"

Helen glared at Gwen: "These dishes are all bought by your father. They are semi-finished products, and you can eat them when they are hot."

Gwen gave her old father a appreciative look.


After all, it was Luo Feng's first visit to her home, and Gwen didn't want him to be given the privilege of looking up at the stars.

That was their family's nightmare.

Soon, the semi-finished products will be hot.

"You two, come over for dinner."

Seeing that Luo Feng couldn't get a word out of it, George might as well go to the table and make some sideshows.

Soon, everyone sat around the dining table and ate happily.

In order to ensure that George will not delay his work while eating, there is also a TV in the dining room.

Broadcasting real-time news.

While several people were eating, a report about Spider-man appeared on the TV screen.

A reporter reported excitedly: "Now, more and more citizens like Spider-man!"

"Let's interview a few passers-by to see what they think of Spider-man."

"Spider-man is the most handsome superhero I have ever seen, I am his fan!"

The first group of viewers who were interviewed directly took off their coats, and the pattern on the back of the bottoming shirt was the 2D version of Spider-man.

The people interviewed next said that they like Spider-man.

Even if some remain neutral, they will offer praise to Spider-man.

Gwen on one side watched the report on TV with great interest, and looked at Luo Feng proudly at the same time.

It's like asking: "Do you think I'm good?"

Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

Seeing Luo Feng and Gwen looking so happy, George thought it was because they also liked Spider-man.

Then he said: "That is not a good person, don't read it."

"Eat quickly."

Gwen was not happy all of a sudden, and immediately retorted: "Why is she not a good person. y

"She catches robbers, catches thieves, catches robbers!"

"He who is busy in New York City every day is not a good person." 々. "

When George saw his daughter talking back to him in front of outsiders, he suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back.

Immediately said: "Because her behavior is wrong."

"If in the future, more and more people wear masks to enforce the law in private, what do we need the police to do?"

"Once power is abused and violence against violence becomes the mainstream, this society will not get better, it will only get worse."

George made his point.

"But she..."

Gwen was speechless for a moment.


Once many people imitate themselves and attack criminals with heavy blows, it will gradually develop into a trend of using violence to control violence.

Then, as the leader, is he still a good person?

This is not uncommon in the society of the beautiful country. In many cases, all kinds of demonstrations are to fight for legitimate interests.

But in the end, it will always be used by some people with good intentions, and then this kind of parade will do bad things like beating, smashing and looting.

In the end, the impact is getting bigger and bigger.

Just when Gwen faced George and couldn't say anything to refute.

Luo Feng on the side spoke slowly: "Then the question I asked you, Chief George, is justice that is delayed still justice?"


George didn't expect that Luo Feng would also speak.

"Late justice definitely counts....."

George wanted to say that definitely is justice, but with his experience in handling cases over the years, he has seen the warmth and coldness of human relationships.

Let him hold back the last two words abruptly.

Luo Feng continued: "Late justice may still be justice in the eyes of law enforcement agencies and most people.

"They will say another sentence after the fact: Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Come to comfort those who have been hurt."

"It didn't occur to this group that, perhaps in the eyes of the victims, it would have been nice if justice hadn't been late."

What he said instantly caused George to fall into deep thought.

It is true that in many cases, if justice is not late, too many tragedies can be avoided.

"The existence of Spider-man has never been to let the police have nothing to do, let alone steal your jobs.

"George Uncle, am I right?"


Now it was George's turn to be speechless on the spot.

Seeing that George was left speechless, Gwen was very happy, and touched a piece of steak for Luo Feng.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the dining table became a bit serious, Helen immediately smoothed things over: "Let's have a drink, everyone."

"After talking so much, my mouth is dry."

After speaking, he touched George beside him.

George also knew that his wife was stepping down the steps for him, so he immediately picked up the cup on the table.

Just as he was about to toast, the TV program that was originally interviewing passers-by on Spider-man was suddenly interrupted by an urgent news.

"Interlude an urgent news: just now, Stark Industries rushed out a huge amounts of robots to wreak havoc."

"Later, a small robot appeared and wrestled with him."

"Now that they've rushed onto New York Avenue, there are injured people..."

"Residents, stay off New York Avenue when traveling!"

On the screen of the TV series, Mark 3 and the huge amounts of Iron Overlord were wrestling together on the road.

Many cars on the road collided while avoiding, and some hit the trees on the side of the road.

George immediately put down the wine glass in his hand: "It's Stark Industry again, you eat first.

"I'll be there right now!"

Without waiting for others to say anything, George immediately picked up his mobile phone and began to dispatch people to the scene to maintain order.

Gwen also looked at Luo Feng worriedly.

Luo Feng immediately said: "Helen Aunt, I suddenly realized that I have something urgent to do, so I'm leaving first."

"But Luo Feng, you haven't had enough rice yet."

"I'm full, I don't usually eat much..."

Luo Feng got up to leave, and Gwen immediately said, "Mom, I have an important meeting tomorrow, and everyone is leaving."

"Then I'll go back to my room and eat."


Gwen took her plate and walked up to the second floor.

In the dining room, only Helen was left alone.

As soon as she returned to her room, Gwen immediately locked the door and turned on the computer on the desktop.

The Red Queen immediately appeared on the computer: "Hi, Miss Gwen."

"Red Empress, the rest is up to you."

"No problem, Miss Gwen.

"As long as someone knocks on the door, I will imitate your voice to make people leave."

Gwen nodded gratefully, took out Ghost No. 2 from her backpack, put it on, and jumped directly from the window.

Luo Feng was already waiting below.

As soon as Gwen got into the car, Luo Feng immediately stepped on the accelerator: "Red Queen, navigate Stark Industry.


"Isn't it on New York Avenue?"

Gwen asked puzzled.

Luo Feng continued: "The queen, call out the live broadcast."

On the central control screen, the battle between Tony and Obadiah has shifted from the road to mid-air.

Anyone can see that the red mecha is relatively weak.

This is also normal, the energy on the first-generation Ark reactor used by Tony is not enough to provide enough energy for the Mark 3.

It's all about J.A.R.V.I.S and Tony's fight to save money.

As for the iron tyrant, Obadiah took it off from Tony, and the kinetic energy is more than enough to drive the iron tyrant.

"Tony, it seems that the Iron King made by my science team is more powerful."

"Just obediently be crushed by me."

"I'd love to do it, but we're in the sky right now, and the laws of physics don't allow you to step on me.

"You can only step on me."

Tony's poisonous tongue can be played on any occasion.

J.A.R.V.I.S solemnly reminded: "The remaining energy is 20%.

Tony, who was rushing up, suddenly thought of his first test flight, and immediately said to Favis: "Use all the power for propulsion.

"Sir, in that case you will lose your combat ability."

"Quick, listen to me."

"it is good!"

The speed of the flames at the soles of the feet suddenly increased instantly, allowing him to distance himself from the Iron Overlord again.

Obadiah thought Tony was trying to escape, and immediately said, "Tony, you can't escape this time."

"Wait to die!"

Under the control of Obadiah, the propulsion device under Iron Overlord's feet also turned to maximum power.

Fast forward to Tony.

Due to the difference in energy output, Tony cannot fully utilize the Mark 3

Mobility and portability.

He was soon overtaken by Iron Overlord.

Obadiah stretched out a hand and grabbed Tony's foot directly, pulling him down abruptly.

The brief victory made Obadiah laugh wildly: "Tony, it seems that your armor is not as good as mine.


Tony said calmly, "Really, then how did you solve the problem of freezing air?"

"What freezes?"

How does Obadiah understand this.

It's just that I suddenly found that my cockpit was completely extinguished at this moment, no matter how I operated it, it was useless.

Relying on the last little bit of inertia to continue to rise.

Seeing that the other party had been tricked, Tony smiled and knocked on the head of Iron Bully: "...."

Iron Overlord's huge amounts of body fell directly downward.

Gwen looked at this scene: "Then we don't have to go..."

"According to the whereabouts of the huge mech, he will fall in Stark Industries."

"The problem of high-altitude icing will be resolved during the fall, and there is an 80% probability that nothing will happen."

The voice of the Red Queen's analysis came out.

"Miss Gwen, on the New York Bridge, there is a car on the side of the bridge, there is a risk of falling. y

"How far is it from us to the New York Bridge."

"It's up ahead, Gwen is ready."

Luo Feng stepped on it, and the car body drifted out, and the door on Gwen's side also opened.

Gwen saw the opportunity, shot cobweb fiercely in his hand, and swung out of the door by himself.

After Luo Feng flicked her tail gracefully, she stopped steadily at the side of the road.

After Gwen got on the New York Bridge, he saw the car that the red queen said immediately.

Because of avoiding the battle between Obadiah and Tony just now, more than half of the car has rushed out of the bridge at this moment.

It is crumbling and may fall at any time.

To make matters worse, there was also the cry of a child.

"Save my child, save him!"

On the side of the road, a woman covered in blood begged bitterly.

When the vehicle swayed, he was thrown out of the main driver, and his child was fine because of the children's desk and chair.

But this moment has become the biggest trouble for rescue.

Gwen aimed at several points of strength around the bridge, and the cobweb in her wrist shot out crazily to fix the car.

"It's Spider-man!"

"It's saved, it's Spider-man"

"Giving it to a child will help..."

After fixing the shaking body, Gwen immediately jumped to the side of the child's door.

Pulling hard, the solid car door was pulled out by Gwen like paper.

"Oh, you're so cute."

"Will you go with my sister?"

The little (mad) child grinned, as if seeing something funny.

"Oh my god, the sweet little guy doesn't know about hazard rewards."

Gwen directly violently removed the children's desk and chair, and the child was removed together with the child seat.

"Alright, ready to take off!"

Gwen kicked hard with both feet, and the strong recoil made the car lose its last support and fell into the neighborhood.

And Gwen drew a perfect arc and landed steadily in front of the woman.

"Here you are, this is your child."

The surrounding rescue teams, including ordinary people, applauded.

George, who had just arrived in the crowd, got out and knew what was going on after seeing the scene.

If it wasn't Spider-man just now...

At the same time, the words of Luo Feng sounded in George's heart: "Justice that is delayed is still justice.

George was about to go up and say hello to Spider-man.

Gwen misunderstood George's meaning: "If you want to quarrel, just wait."

"There are still two guys over there that have not been resolved."

After speaking, Gwen swung the cobweb in the direction of Stark Industries.

At this moment, Tony was relying on the last bit of energy, and slowly returned to the ground, embracing Little Pepper for the rest of his life.

Just when the two of you were talking about each other, Obadiah, who survived the catastrophe, suddenly got out.

"Tony, didn't think about it."

"I'm older than you."

Tony suddenly felt something was wrong, his energy had been used up, and he was like a toy in front of Obadiah.

And Little Pepper also hid according to Tony's order, not knowing what to do.

The two fought to the upper floors of Stark Industries.

Tony saw the huge amounts of Ark reactor inside, and Yishi had a plan.

"Potts, you listen to me now... Vol"

"I have a plan!"

Tony, who was being suppressed by Obadiah, shouted at Pepper.

Before he finished speaking, Tony felt light all over his body, and Obadiah, who was suppressing him, was kicked away?

Before him, Obadiah was gone.

There is only one strangely dressed woman........

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