American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 639: The Enemy Hidden In Time

B playground.

In the huge space, the inside is crowded with people, and most people want to squeeze to the front.

Even in the rear there is still a large part of the empty space.

In the Mutant Academy, because of what the military has done recently, it has taken in a lot of mutants who have lost their families.

These Mutants, with a grudge against the military, worked hard at the academy to learn their skills and prepare to become the X-Men's name - piercing the enemy.

It's just that this so-called ideal hatred is so vulnerable in the face of reality.

In the podium of the indoor basketball court, Professor X is waiting here quietly, and Wolverine is looking around.

"Need a roll call, Professor?"

Wolverine felt that was enough.

And the professor waved the palm of his hand.

This meeting is a matter of life and death for the race, and I believe there is no Mutant who does not take this seriously.

For a while, following the professor's few actions, the originally noisy venue instantly became silent, and even the originally crowded crowd no longer "charged" forward.

And at the moment, Luo Feng and the director mixed into the meeting, and saw a friend in the crowd - Sabretooth.

Although this guy wanted to take a good look at what the so-called Mutant Academy looked like, but after hearing the broadcast, he still followed the crowd here.

Intruder? That title Sabretooth doesn't like very much.

On the high platform, Wolverine was dressed in X-Men costumes. For these Mutants, this is a supreme honor.

The rest of the X-Men members are still patrolling the perimeter of the academy, and the threat of the military exists at all times, so they have to increase the guard area.

These days, the Mutants in the playground are nothing more than a bunch of brats.

"Looking at these children, once they are identified as Mutants, they will be mercilessly killed by the military. This is our superior."

When the director saw these tortured children in the playground, his heart ached even more.

There is no doubt that these children are innocent, but because of a gene and a blood relationship, they will be hunted down and poisoned.

"You're wrong Nick, that's your superior, not mine. Don't forget that the reason why Avengers was established was because the military was worried that my mighty power would turn against me."

Luo Feng looked back at the black man in front of him, his eyes were full of uproar, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be the same reason.

Is there anyone in the world who can control Luo Feng? It seems that there hasn't been one so far.

0......seeking flowers...

"Well, you're right."

The two were still talking, but in an instant, Luo Feng felt as if someone was passing by.

When I came back to my senses, there was nothing in front of my eyes.

Is it an illusion?

Luo Feng stopped talking with the chief, and looked around, his gaze was a bit serious.

Vaguely, the name of a Mutant appeared in Luo Feng's mind.



Mutant with Super Speed, Ability is similar to The Flash next door.

But obviously, if you put Quicksilver and The Flash together, the former is not as good as the latter.

You must know that The Flash's speed force can reverse time and space, but in this regard, Quicksilver is far behind.

And as Magneto's enemy, I think Quicksilver Luo Feng also has a very strong hatred.

Seeing Luo Feng's serious eyes, the director immediately became puzzled.

"What are you looking at?"

The director's investigation of Mutant Academy is not as good as Luo Feng's.

Naturally, he would not know the threat of Quicksilver.

"An enemy hidden in time."

Luo Feng's answer made the director look astonished. .

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