This is where Luo Feng specially builds training for the heroes. There are a series of sophisticated equipment, including but not limited to traps, secret passages, and hidden items.

The criminals are Venom and Falcon, while the rest come in as heroes.

When all the lights in the room are turned off, it can be described as pitch black.

Then the lights in the training device lit up, which can be described as extremely dazzling.

"Two Four Three" And after that, Venom and Falcon Sam creep into True Ya.

"I can't imagine that he actually got this kind of building for us to train.

"It looks like a small urban area has been built, but it's not just a city model, it's more complicated.

Sam turned on the night vision goggles to look around, observing the terrain to help in the subsequent battle.

But before that, he must understand what his teammate's super ability is, after all, this guy looks like a decadent jobless vagrant.

In fact, Eddie was like this a few days ago, until he met Venom, Luo Feng, and the whole team.

Thinking of this, Eddie couldn't help but smile, "My super ability is a mess."

For a moment, Sam froze in place.

His eyes were full of disbelief, could it be that this guy expects himself to blow up the audience?

Is this possible, although I am the only one with wings among the few people in the audience.

"Well, this guy is my super ability."

Seeing Sam's disgusted face, Eddie rushed to open his clothes, only to see the venom slowly coming out of his body.

This Black slime monster has a very eerie feel to it.

Startled, Sam let out an exclamation in the dark.

"This is an alien creature, but I don't know which planet it is. At least this thing can bring a good boost to my body. 11

After merging with the venom, Eddie's physical fitness has made a qualitative leap, even comparable to Captain America.

Seeing how special his teammates were, Falcon immediately became interested.

In fact, Eddie's so-called bad performance is to let the venom wrap himself and turn himself into a super warrior, and the subsequent battles only need to rely on the venom.

"I'm curious if you still need normal treatment if you are seriously injured."

"It doesn't matter, Venom will take action..."


Hearing what Eddie said, these inappropriate words, Venom suddenly didn't know what to say, he could only say that Eddie's face was really thick.

As for Sam, Sam's super-ability seems to be only the mechanical wings and flight device on the back, and the drone on his back is no more.

Although Sam's boxing skills are also very good, in the final analysis, his physical fitness is only a common person, and there is still a gap compared with the integrated or mutated superhero like Eddie Gwen.

"We need a place to hide, it's like hide and seek, just hide in a corner and not be seen.

After saying that, I saw Eddie running excitedly to a corner, where there is a hidden secret passage.

Above is a simple gate, and below 5.3 is a narrow space. Although it is a bit embarrassing to hide in it, Eddie doesn't care so much about winning.

But in Sam's view, the only way to keep moving is the safest.

"Well, it looks like we can only part ways, I hope you won't be the first to catch."

Sam walked towards the interior of the building, but Eddie stayed in place and hid. .

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