American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 7 Gwen's Gaffe (Flowers)

Chapter 7 Gwen's Gaffe

(Chapter 4 has been solved)

Empire State University is a premier university in New York City, and indeed in the entire beautiful country.

At this moment, Luo Feng is in the principal's office of the school, just finishing the admission procedures.

"Student Luo Feng, you are welcome to join our big family."

"I hope you can graduate smoothly in the days to come."

The principal of the state university is an old man with a kind face and a white beard.

"Thank you, Principal Smith."

"According to the usual practice, I should show you, a new student, a good tour of our school."

"But unfortunately, I have an important meeting coming up."

Principal Smith said a little apologetically.

For this kind of thing, Luo Feng didn't particularly care and said: "It's okay, I can go for a walk to get familiar with the school environment by myself."

Principal Smith stood up with a smile, ready to shake hands with Luo Feng to say goodbye.

There was a knock on the office door.

The two looked at the same time.

I saw a girl in a standard school uniform with short blond hair standing at the door.

Seeing the person coming, Principal Smith smiled and said, "Come in, Miss Gwen."

The blond girl walked to the desk and handed out a document in her hand: "The seminar is ready, just waiting for you to go."

"Thank you, Miss Gwen."

"I'm about to go there, let me introduce you, this is the new transfer student Luo Feng."

"This is the student council officer, Gwen Stacy."

"Exactly, let Miss Gwen show you around the school."

Smith warmly greeted the two of them.

Luo Feng glanced at the blond girl beside him, and knew who she was after Smith's introduction.

Gwen Stacy.

Girlfriend of Spider-man Peter Parker, daughter of New York City Police Commissioner George Daisy.

However, according to the discovery of the story line, the final ending of the father and daughter is not very good.

But these are not what Luo Feng should consider now.

Because Gwen's slender palm has been stretched out in front of her: "Welcome, my name is Gwen Stacy."

"Luo Feng."

Luo Feng also extended his hand politely to shake Gwen's hand.


very tender ~ very slippery ~

"Then I'll go first."

"Goodbye, Principal Smith."

"Let's go Luo Feng, let me take you to familiarize yourself with the school's teaching buildings and laboratories first, I hope you will be satisfied with my guide."

"Definitely, I am also very honored to have a beautiful guide to introduce me."

Luo Feng's words are indeed psychological.

Gwen is also one of the few beauties in the Marvel world who rank high in terms of appearance.

But it's a pity that the beauty is unlucky.

Gwen also took advantage of Luo Feng's compliment.

Along the way, he constantly introduced every building on the campus to Luo Feng.

There is a stadium over there, where various ball games will be held...

"There is a library over there, you can go there when you are reviewing books and looking up materials..."

"The one over there is a laboratory and a research room..."

This visit lasted nearly an hour, and the sun was almost setting, and it was considered that I had finished visiting the entire state university.

This also made Luo Feng sigh for a while.

It is worthy of being a university with the same reputation as top institutions such as MIT.

The facilities are neat and complete.

Research directions cover various scientific fields.

Gwen continued to introduce: "This is where some professors and their assistants do experimental data."

Suddenly, Gwen's expression changed.

"Now that you're all here, let me introduce a genius friend of mine to you."

Looking at Gwen's expression, Luo Feng had some guesses about this 'genius friend'.

Spider-man Peter Parker!

Soon, Gwen brought Luo Feng to the door of a laboratory.

And this laboratory is somewhat different from what Luo Feng saw along the way.

The entrances of other laboratories are basically clean and tidy.

Only here is filled with all kinds of incubators, and there are many tropical plants crawling all over the walls outside the laboratory door.

There are different species of lizards kept in the incubator.

Each sticks out its tongue and rolls its big eyes.

It looks particularly infiltrating.

As a girl, Gwen seemed to be familiar with these things. Not only was she not afraid, but she also squatted down to tease the lizard in the incubator.

"Gwen, where is it?"

"Dr. Connors' reptile laboratory, my 'genius friend' is Dr. Connors' assistant."

Dr. Connors.

Hearing this name, Luo Feng also knew who it was.

In order to study the regeneration technology of broken arms, he finally turned himself into the lizard doctor Kurt Connors of the lizard man.

Gwen walked in the front and pushed open the door of the laboratory.

A dark and damp hallway is what draws the eye.

Both sides of the aisle are incubators, and reptiles of different species from all over the country are kept in the boxes.

And these animals all have the same characteristic.

That is broken limb reborn!

It is also the key research direction of Dr. Connors.

Passing through the aisle, a laboratory full of sophisticated experimental equipment appeared in front of me, and there were many bottles and jars around it with many specimens.

On the test platform in the middle, two people in white coats are sitting and experimenting intently.

Gwen made a booing gesture to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng nodded in understanding.

Two men in white coats, one of whom was a little older, had his left sleeve hanging in a slipknot.

The other one was a teenager who was about the same age as Gwen.

Obviously, Kurt Connors was the one who lost his arm, and the other person was Peter Parker, Gwen's "genius friend".

On the test bench, an amputated rabbit eats feed in its cage.

Peter Parker held a vial of injection in his hand.

Under Connors' gesture, he found the rabbit's vein and tied it.

After all the injections were pushed in, the two concentrated on observing the rabbit's reaction, and the time passed by every minute.

One minute……

five minutes……

ten minutes……

The rabbit still didn't respond, just when the eyes of the two began to reveal disappointment.

The rabbit twitched all over.

The amputated leg began to shake violently.

Peter Parker said excitedly: "Doctor, it works."

Obviously Connors was much calmer, he raised a hand to signal Peter Parker to continue watching.

The speed of the rabbit shaking is getting faster and faster...


Unexpectedly, an explosion sounded.

The rabbit, which was still intact, was instantly blown into a puddle of minced meat, and the entire test bench was in a mess.

No matter how good Gwen's psychological quality is.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but exclaimed, then turned around and ran out of the laboratory.

Luo Feng also quickly followed out.

Gwen's voice immediately caught Peter Parker's attention: "Gwen..."

Before he could say anything, he saw Gwen running out, and there was another person he didn't know.

Peter Parker also wants to chase it out.

Conners stopped him.

"Clean up yourself first..."

Peter Parker looked down, his white coat was covered with sporadic pieces of meat, and his clothes were also stained red.

"Understood, Dr. Connors."


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