American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 719 Support Rushed To Gwen, Who Was Desperate

In the battlefield filled with gunpowder, a group of people is rushing to the battlefield.

Their plan was simple, let Venom hold the green titan first, after which Gwen would be free.

The team will also need her cobweb, which is considered in great detail.

"Are you confident you can handle this big ~head?"

But the problem came to Black widow.

What Luo Feng said was somewhat outrageous, but even so, several people were still willing to take a gamble, after all, Luo Feng's words had always been reliable.

"As long as Spider-man is free, it's only a matter of time before the cobweb traps the big guy."

"If verbal reassurance doesn't help, I'll just use concentrated sedatives."

At least, they still have a guarantee in the whole team.

The concentrated sedative was originally invented by Luo Feng to deal with the green titan.

If Black Widow alone can subdue Green Titan, in other words, this also saves costs for Luo Feng.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng in the monitoring room laughed again.

On the battlefield, gunpowder smoke continued to fill the air.

It's just a lot better than the beginning.

Everything that the green titan can destroy in this area has been destroyed, and the gunpowder smoke has almost dissipated.

Although he is an indoor trainer, Luo Feng did not forget to add a very powerful exhaust device to it during the construction process.

Thanks to this exhaust device, the gunpowder smoke will not stay indoors and cannot be dissipated.

In the fog, heroes can use their sense of hearing to identify the location.

After all, the running sound of the green titan is like thunder, if you can't even understand this, then you are really no different from a deaf person.

After listening for a while, the team finally identified where the green titan was.

"Listen to the voice, it should be going along this road, and the two are still chasing.

Hawkeye is pretty good at scouting.

This code name was not chosen because he was handsome.

I saw Barton looking at a location, and Natasha Romanoff had already read the desired information from his expression.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say it, how can we let such a child face the destruction of the green titan!"

Seeing this, Steve immediately grasped the shield and walked straight in this direction.

In an instant, the rest of the team members followed closely behind.

Although Eddie was not happy, he had no choice. If he got separated from the team and met the green titan again, he would be dead.

0...ask for flowers...

In the sky, Falcon is still hovering, ready to find a suitable opportunity to attack.

Fortunately, the two finally stopped chasing.

the reason is simple.

In front of Gwen was a tall and thick wall.

Gwen was blocked by this thing, and there was no way to escape.

Seeing this, the green titan immediately had an excited expression on his face, at first glance it looked very wretched.


Before that, Gwen also thought about it.

If he climbs along the wall, according to the speed at which the green titan is destroyed, I am afraid that the entire wall will be punched through by the green titan before he climbs up.

Thinking of this, Gwen's heart was filled with helplessness.

"Damn it, why did all the bad things happen to me.

After speaking, Gwen put on an offensive posture again.

If she sits and waits to die, there is only one dead end for Gwen, but if she chooses to resist, she might be able to find a way out for herself.

"Come on big man, this is a contest between the two of us!"

Between the words, Gwen also aimed at the open space behind the green titan, obviously trying to go around the green titan and go around the knife during the battle!.

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