Early the next morning, according to Luo Feng's request, Deadpool arrived at the gate of Umbrella as promised like an honest child.

As everyone knows, Umbrella of At the moment has temporarily entered a state of rest.

Because of this terrorist attack, many employees thought they were in danger and dared not come to work.

As everyone knows, on the one hand, this also brings convenience to Jin Bing.

This morning, the former underground emperor of New York came back with a group of younger brothers, ready to wipe out all the forces that attacked him-!

As for Umbrella, today is a day off for everyone.

And when Jin Bing came to the company early in the morning, he saw a strange man in tights standing at the gate.

Considering his identity as an entrepreneur, Jin began to explain the situation here.

"Excuse me sir, Umbrella is on vacation today, if you need to handle business, you can wait until the day after tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, that's the day of Umbrella's new product launch.

Luo Feng had already discussed this point with Jin Bing.

Although the current situation of Umbrella is not stable, Jin does not want to make Luo Feng give up the new product launch because of these trivial matters.

If so, I don't mind seeing myself as a sinner.

Thinking of this, Jin Bing grinned even more.

He thought that his smile looked amiable, but he didn't know that the strange man in tights didn't take himself seriously at all.

And inadvertently, Deadpool showed the two double knives on his back to Jin Bin.

For a moment, Jin Bin suddenly felt bad, and immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Deadpool.

There is no way, now is an extraordinary period, and Jin does not want to ruin his life because of his negligence.

For a moment, the dark muzzle was aimed at Deadpool, and the atmosphere on both sides was tense.

Deadpool was staring at Kim and Kim was staring at Deadpool.

Deadpool was wondering who the big fat man in front of him was.

Also, didn't Luo Feng let him come here? How could he be regarded as an enemy in turn?

"Listen sir, if you don't want your wrist to be cut off by me, you'd better put the pistol down immediately!"

"Huh? You have a joker tone, I don't know who gave you the capital!"

Now, even though Jin has left the underground world of New York, if you see him, you know that he was once the underground emperor with the largest gathering of dark forces in New York!

0...ask for flowers...

Kim has seen people who are afraid of death, but Kim is the first to meet people who are not afraid of death like Deadpool.

The opponent's hand is a blade, while his own hand is a gun.

How about a knife and a gun head-to-head, who is better?

Obviously, no matter how you look at it from Jin Bing's side, he has a certain chance of winning.

And at the moment, Deadpool suddenly began to complain.

"This Luo Feng asked me to come here as a security guard, why did I become this kind of person when I first came up.

Luo Feng?

Hearing this familiar name, Jin Bin slowly lowered his pistol.

From the looks of it, it was just a misunderstanding between the two.

"It seems that we should speak clearly before considering whether to commit crimes or not.

"Let's get to know each other, I'm Luo Feng's father, Jin Bin."

It's fine if the fat man doesn't speak, but if he does, Deadpool will be punished in an instant.

This guy is actually Luo Feng's father!

But there is no similarity in the body shape and appearance of the two!

Deadpool couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Seeing the other party's suspicious face, Jin Bing could only smile bitterly, "I'll adopt it."

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