American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 748 It's Like Nothing Else, This Is Your Nirvana?

The flames burned little by little, and all of them were concentrated on the fist.

Deadpool was still in a hurry, but saw the next moment.


In the dim Warehouse, a pillar of fire blasted out suddenly, and illuminated an area!

But after the light was off, Deadpool was still alive and well!

Mutant is dumbfounded, did he miss it?

But it is also true, this attack is a straight line after all, and it is reasonable to be able to dodge it.

"Then how do you hide from melee release?"

At the moment Deadpool is already close to the distance of several people.

At the same time, the fire system Mutant59 also narrowed the distance with Deadpool.

Close combat has always been the advantage of fire-type mutants.

Facing Deadpool, he thought he could beat him to death just by playing the way he used to fight against others.

But just as he was about to strike, Deadpool turned sideways again and dodged the attack!

What is this flexible displacement?

Before Mutant could react, a sharp knife was already approaching his throat.

He didn't dare to move for a moment, but saw Deadpool lower his head.

"You know what? You're crazy."


A scream resounded through the Warehouse.

Deadpool changed the attack direction of the blade in a very short period of time, and instead stabbed the man's shoulder with a knife, nailing him to the container alive!

Blood began to flow down the blade.

Presumably the other party is unable to act in a short period of time.

After doing this, Deadpool is going to check on Jin Bin's injuries.

But I never thought that this guy actually sat up from the ground!

The scene suddenly fell into silence.

Deadpool turned his head and looked at the fire-type Mutant nailed to the container.

"Is this your nirvana?"

Hitting Jin Bin at such a close distance, Jin Bin can still sit up, this nirvana is too inferior!

And the face of the fire-type Mutant was also full of astonishment.

"Impossible, this is impossible! This is my must kill!"

Obviously, this guy has (ahfg) great confidence in his ultimate skills.

Until he saw Jin who was hit by the fire fist at close range and got up from the ground again.

For a time, Mutant's world view collapsed.

In fact, this wave of attack Beast gold and its high muscle density saved him. If it were a normal person, even if he had undergone special envoy training, he would definitely die if he was attacked by this kind of attack!

"I feel a little angry."

"Boss, shall we go to the clubhouse to put out the fire?"

"Let's talk about it tonight."

After death, although Jin Bing's younger brothers followed Jin Bing and tried to correct evil, this does not mean that the skills they had learned would be forgotten because of this.

In terms of fighting with weapons, no matter whether it is Jin Bin or the whole team, they all have certain advantages.

After a while, I saw that the opponent's team was almost cleaned up.

As for Grey.

This guy was caught by a bionic robot and couldn't move, not to mention he was shot by a bullet, and he was already in a cage with a bird in his hand, so he couldn't escape with his wings!

Looking around, only the fire-type Mutant was still active in the entire venue.

And when he saw Jin Bing's formidable strength, Deadpool couldn't help wondering whether Luo Feng sent him over, was it a bit redundant?

Looking at the situation, Jin Bing's team can completely crush the opponent with their own strength!

"This is your business, it has nothing to do with me."

Deadpool was obedient. After picking up the blade that fell from the ground, he turned his head and came to the side, playing the role of the melon-eaters.

As for the other blade, it was stuck in someone's body At the moment!.

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