American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 760 The Attitude Towards Umbrella's Mobile Phone And The Fruit Next Door!

"It's really shit on my head this time, it's too much!"

Think about the last time Umbrella released a new product and sent an invitation letter to himself, he didn't pass it.

Could it be that this time Umbrella is targeting himself specifically?

After all, the last time I didn't participate in the release of the bionic machine, it wasn't because I looked down on this new company.

But who would have thought that this so-called small company could invite Tony over there! "Eight two three"

On the computer screen, advertising information about mobile phones is playing in a loop.

Stark Industries technical support?

After seeing this advertisement, Joss couldn't hold back for a moment.

Doesn't Stark Industries make weapons? What does that have to do with cell phones?

"Crazy, crazy, this world is so crazy, why even arms companies start making mobile phones!

Joss' face twitched.

While beside him, his assistant began to comfort him.

"I have also seen the advertisements, and they have indeed added many functions to the mobile phone.

"But boss, have you ever thought that these functions are the first to appear in the public's perspective. This is an innovation, but not every innovation will be well received."

Assistants have spent most of their lives in this position.

During this period, countless mobile phone production companies were opened, but without exception, they were all overwhelmed by fruit companies and went bankrupt.

Facing Umbrella, Joss also wanted to be the same as before.

It's a pity that the new product announced by Umbrella this time is really too powerful!

Among the many comments on the Internet, there are also those who pull out the fruit and whip the corpse.

These netizens compared the fruit product with Umbrella's new product.

It's a pity that this is Umbrella's first attempt at mobile phones, and there were no samples before that.

Including mobile phone performance is still unknown, they have no reference, they can only compare the function and fruit described in the advertisement.

The answer is obvious, of course, Umbrella's new product wins!

Definitely, there are loyal users of the fruit who are starting to speak for the fruit.

For example, the fruit company's quality control issues are guaranteed, but Umbrella's side is a mess of unknowns.

Seeing this scene, Joss was not so entangled in his heart.

This is true. In the years of fruit business, Joss has done a good job in quality control of fruit mobile phones.

It is also thanks to the lack of morality in quality control in the early years, but now it has become an advantage.

And at the moment, netizens suddenly picked up the home robot that Umbrella had just released.

At the same time, the quality control and after-sales processing of home robots are also used for comparison.

"Will the fruit company customize a new product for you and apologize because of the product problem?"

In one sentence, the fruit party on the Internet was instantly speechless.

This is really difficult to do. Although there is no problem with the product, once there is a problem, Joss is a stingy iron cock, and he is not willing to pay such a large amount of compensation as Umbrella.

Seeing that even the quality control problem was defeated, Joss was furious.

"Okay, I want to see what this Umbrella's new product is capable of!"

"If it's not as good as fruit, I'll make it disappear from the market!"

Jose At the moment has made a decision in his heart.

He was going to participate in the new product launch conference, but he wanted to see how capable this Umbrella was, how dare he yell at him!.

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