American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 780: Keep An Eye On That Sloppy Guy

I saw all the heroes stepping out of the vehicles one after another.

This is the special car for the Avengers alliance base. In order to pick up a few heroes, it almost ran all over New York early in the morning.

This is Eddie's first experience of private car transfer, and I have to say, it feels very comfortable.

As the top agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, Natasha Romanoff noticed the van on the side the first time she got out of the car.

Her gaze became wary.

"Luo Feng..." "One Thirty Seven"

"Shh, I know, but now is not the time to do it."

Helpless, Natasha Romanoff had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​doing it here, and instead followed Luo Feng into the venue.

Fortunately, the whole team is relatively obedient, except for Tony who appeared in a battle armor at the beginning and attracted the attention of the audience.

Joss should have come to the venue after Tony, and didn't notice the Iron Armor.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so arrogant and call a large group of people to wait outside the conference venue.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng was even more helpless.

Although it is said that the ignorant are not guilty, this is not the capital of arrogance.

Natasha Romanoff wore a black dress today, without even thinking about it, this must be the dress Natasha Romanoff prepared for the previous lurking operation.

And Hawkeye and Sam are wearing a suit, which looks like that.

Just Eddie and Captain America.

It seems that the two are not used to wearing those overly formal clothes.

As for Banner, he is not within the scope of Luo Feng's invitation.

After all, once the green titan goes berserk, there is no need for those criminals to do anything, the press conference will directly declare failure.

Before Banner has learned to control this power, Luo Feng will not let him participate in public activities.

After a while, several people entered the venue one after another.

And in the corner, there's Deadpool humming lively.

Compared with a group of people, Deadpool's clothing is more special.

As Umbrella's security captain, this guy took Captain America's place.

Luo Feng originally wanted to recommend Captain America to get acquainted, but after thinking about it carefully, Captain America is an upright person, and I believe Captain America would not like someone like Deadpool who is full of words.

As everyone knows, Deadpool is silently staring at this group of people.

And it wasn't just Deadpool who noticed them.

And the New York Alert gang.

"Did you see this group of people who just entered the venue?"

"Especially the sloppy guy...  

"We'd better keep an eye on it."

For a while, Eddie became the focus of the audience instead.

On the stage, Tony first gave a eloquent speech, such as the experience in creating new products, or the difficulties encountered in the middle.

It doesn't matter, anyway, these words are not all for the audience, because some of them are for the media to find something to do.

Under the stage, many heroes looked at all this, it was miserable.

"I didn't expect Tony to be so good at it."

"Who makes someone an entrepreneur? You must know that the products of Stark Industries are spread all over the world!"

Natasha Romanoff and Barton are no strangers to the scene.

Even Natasha Romanoff still had a sense of white 0.9 whoring, and shot at the meals and drinks on the side.

It wasn't until after a glass of wine that Tony on the stage finally finished talking nonsense.

"Okay, the next thing is the most concerned thing in the audience."

"I will connect the mobile phone screen to the big screen, on which you can clearly see all the operation steps of the new product mobile phone."

"This is going to be crazier than advertised!".

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