American Comics: I, New York Underground Prince

Chapter 97 Iron Man Spider-Man Cooperation, Green Goblin Osborn Ready To Make Trouble


Nick Fury stood on the podium, staring at one of the screens on the monitoring wall.

The content there is the spacecraft that has entered the earth's atmosphere.

"Where's Tony? How come you haven't intercepted it yet?"

Nick Fury said anxiously.

Once the spacecraft enters the stratosphere, the military will directly use nuclear bombs to detonate it in the air.

Although Nick Fury didn't care about this kind of thing, after all, he took up the task and contacted Tony.

The duck that was cooked before flew away, and this time I finally had the opportunity to cooperate with Tony to enhance our relationship.

He didn't want to waste it like this.

It is precisely because of this that he will recommend Tony in front of the Security Council.

"Sir, Tony is on his way."

"And he seems to have found a solution, working with Spider-man."

"And Spider-man?"

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes, he couldn't figure out what role Spider-man could play here.

But it doesn't matter anymore.

Now that Tony has figured out what to do, let's watch quietly.

If it doesn't work, it can only be blown up directly, so as to minimize casualties.

At this moment, the outer part of the spacecraft has been completely burned and turned into a high-temperature fireball hitting the ground.

This scene was also seen by countless people in New York City.

On the side of the road.

Many people looked up at the sky.

"what is that?"

"It looks like a shooting star..."


"Take a quick photo and make a wish..."

Outside the NYPD.

George, who had just returned from a survey outside, just got out of the car and saw a ray of fire flickering in the sky not far away.

"what is that?"


Almost many people's first reaction is that that thing is a shooting star.

The NASA space agency did not fully disclose this matter, and the New York Police Department naturally has no right to know.

So George was just curious and walked into the police station.

During this period of time, the clues of several cases gradually became clear, which also made him feel much better.

After returning to his office, George laid out all the evidence and case details he had.

"Human Trafficking at the Wharf..."

"The case of gangsters..."

"The Osborn case  …"

George sat in his seat, and finally said lightly: "These cases are all related to one person."

George pulled out a photograph from the pile of evidence.

That photo was none other than Norman Osborn's.

From the beginning of the dock human trafficking case, Professor X told George that the buyer behind the scenes was Norman, but George did not choose to believe it without evidence.

Later, during the monitoring process, a monster appeared and wanted to take George away.

After the monster transformed man was caught by the police station, there was a gang death case.

Kill the reformer.

The gangsters are also the masterminds of human trafficking cases.

So, if what Professor X said is true, then all the cases here are inseparable from Norman Osborn.

George looked at Norman's photo and made a bold decision after careful consideration.

"Come in."

George pressed his landline to talk.

Not long after, a police officer came in and looked at George: "Boss, what can I do for you?"

"I want you to check the location of Xavier's School for me> I want to visit Professor Xavier ten times tomorrow.

The police officer suddenly wondered: "Boss, isn't it a bit illegal for us to directly contact the leader of Mutant like this.

George thought about it, and it really didn't conform to the process.

However, if the process is approved, the murderer may have left long ago. George said nonsense: "Go, I will take care of it if something happens."

With this sentence, the police officer naturally had nothing to say: "Okay! Head!"

George looked at Norman's picture again and separated it by itself.

Continue to piece together your own evidence.

at the same time.

On the roof of Osborn Industry, Norman put on the exoskeleton battle suit again, and played with a few pumpkin-shaped things on the edge of the roof.

Suddenly, Green Goblin Osborn also noticed the flames in the sky.

If you look carefully, you can't see what it is. The only thing that is certain is that the thing is falling to the ground.

"Interesting, let's go see what it is"!"

Green Goblin Osborn leaped for life, jumping directly from the top floor of the Osborn industry, while screaming excitedly.

The flight controller also flew down from above, catching Green Goblin Osborn steadily in mid-air.

Flying towards the position of the fire with Green Goblin Osborn, Green Goblin Osborn suddenly stopped with a sudden brake while flying.

Because he saw that at the moment there was another person who flew up from the ground and flew in the direction of the fire.

"Iron Man? Tony Stark?"

"They'll be here too..."

"And his purpose seems to be..."

Green Goblin Osborn rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something, he shouted excitedly: "No new high-tech weapons have been developed..."

"It's interesting, I'm going to see it too...

But Green Goblin Osborn's flight engine is far inferior to Tony's propulsion device in terms of speed and equipment portability.

After only a short while, they were pulled away by a large distance.

Feeling being severely left behind, Green Goblin Osborn could only stare anxiously, there was no other way.

And as the distance to the sky got higher and higher, Green Goblin Osborn also felt a chill, and at the same time, the flight controller under his feet became a little unstable.

Norman, who knew what was going on, stopped immediately and cursed secretly: "Damn it!"

"Tomorrow, I have to upgrade this broken thing properly."

It was obviously impossible to keep up, but Green Goblin Osborn was still full of curiosity.

Or maybe he has other goals.

So it landed on a building and looked carefully at the fireball.

This time not only the height became higher, but also the field of vision became wider. Green Goblin took a few more glances and finally saw what was in the flame.

"That's a spaceship...  …"

Green Goblin Osborn also noted that "the spaceship still has the NASA space logo on it.

"Strange, when did Tony Stark get involved with the NASA space agency?"

In his impression, Tony still wanted to have nothing to do with NASA space agency.

Why is it flying towards the spacecraft of NASA Space Agency now.

After thinking about it for a while, I still couldn't figure out why.

It simply looked lively.

After Tony rose to the predetermined position in the sky, he continued to ask: "J.A.R.V.I.S, is the thruster coming?"

"Here it is, sir."

Tony looked in the direction of his home, and saw dozens of small propellers flying in this direction by themselves.

Tony just glanced at it and realized that this thing was still a little flawed.

But it can only be improved next time.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, for force analysis of orbital deflection, with each thruster mounted at the point of force."

"Understood, doctor.

In Tony's field of vision, the 3D model of the entire spaceship is unobstructed, and all stress points are marked.

At the same time, all those small propellers flew over, and all stuck to the surface of the spaceship.

Tony also flew towards the bow of the spaceship, took a deep breath and opened his hands: "Come on!"

With a bang, the spaceship slammed into Tuo Zhong firmly.

A solid bump, if it weren't for this new armor, Tony would have been knocked out now.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, prepare for action."

"Transform all the kinetic energy into the propulsion device!"

Behind Tony's battle armor, he immediately deployed the flanks in the opposite direction, and the propulsion flames erupted instantly, pushing back against Tony.

At the same time those small thrusters started shooting flames in Tony's direction.

The speed of the spacecraft's descent also slowly slowed down at this time.

Tony knew that it was almost impossible for him to stop completely, when the white hole spit him out.

The initial force given is too great!

"Get ready to turn around, J.A.R.V.I.S!"

"Okay sir...."

The flame of the propulsion device is also slowly shifting direction.

This scene was unknown except for the common people, but several other institutions could see it clearly.

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Seeing the spaceship slowing down and starting to deviate from its original direction, Nick Fury finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This is at least half the battle.

Hill standing beside him also smiled at this moment.

"Don't be too happy, everything is variable until the last moment."

Hill immediately put away her smile, and stared at Tony's performance in the picture, her clenched fists were enough to prove her nervousness at the moment.

Inside the NASA space agency.

Seeing that the spaceship started to deviate from its direction, everyone was extremely excited, they were saved!

The spaceship Reed and the others are saved!

The old professor seemed much calmer, and continued: "How about it, can you continue to wake up Reed and the others?"

The researcher beside him shook: "I have tried many times, although the vital signs transmitted back are stable.

"But I don't know why, they all fell into different degrees of coma."

"Even their brain waves have different levels of strange peaks."

The old professor narrowed his eyes slightly, and said softly, "Reed, what exactly did you encounter in the universe?"

"How did it become like this..."

In his impression, Reid is the person with the highest IQ since the establishment of NASA, and even the world.

No matter what he encounters, he can use his clever mind to solve it.

Why is it that the whole army was almost wiped out when I came back this time?

Definitely, it's totally useless to dwell on this now.

All the answers must wait for Reed to survive and wake up before he can know.

So now they can only pray that Tony can successfully save Reed and the others.

Suddenly a researcher came over: "Professor, we have analyzed Tony's current behavior."

"He appears to be trying to push Reed's ship out of its intended drop-off location, which should be in the suburbs outside New York City."

The old professor's result is the latest calculation result.

Gently nodded: "As expected of Howard's son, if his mecha technology can be applied to our spaceship..."

In the middle of speaking, the old professor suddenly stopped: "What does this last piece of data mean?"

"Even if it deviates from the scheduled landing position, it will hit the ground with the current impact force.

"There is a high probability that the four of Reid will not survive.


"Is there really no way?"

In any case, the old professor wanted to save Reed's life, and if possible, he would rather be the one in the spaceship now.

With the data in front of him, he couldn't help but believe it.

But soon, another researcher shouted loudly: ".~Look quickly, there are people at the landing site!"


The old professor immediately looked at the big screen, and on the big screen was the latest landing location, a suburb outside New York City.

At the moment there is a figure swinging around inside.

"Is this... Spider-man?"

Immediately a researcher recognized Spider-man's identity.

Others looked curiously, but couldn't understand what Spider-man was doing.

Just see her constantly bouncing back and forth while constantly shooting out the cobweb.

"Are you sure this is Spider-man? Why do I feel different from what I usually see on the news..."

"It's not very similar, I think it should be a lighting problem."

"The sheen on her dress, it feels a bit like Tony Stark's. …

"After the red, continue to analyze the stress point, we need to make a bigger net and stack a few more layers.

"This way we can minimize the damage when they land."

"Understood, Miss Dawen."

"All the stress points have been given, and Miss Gwynn uses the cobweb, and the nanorobots are able to synthesize the new cobweb with matter in the air."

"Theoretically, Miss Gwen's current cobweb is endless!"

"Thank you, Red Queen."

Gwen did a backflip, and pressed down on his wrist with the other hand, and suddenly a huge amount of spider web spread out from the left and right with Gwen as the center.

Thanks to Gwen's efforts, several large nets stacked together quickly appeared in the suburbs.

Seeing the flames in the distant sky getting closer and closer, Gwen continued to work hard.

And S.H.I.E.L.D also noticed the situation on Gwen's side.

Nick Fury leaned his hand on the railing and understood immediately.

"I see, Iron Man and Spider-man cooperate."

"That's not really your style, Tony..."

Nick Fury thought that, in Tony's style, he should figure out a way to complete this matter by himself.

Unexpectedly, he would find Spider-man to cooperate.

However, Nick Fury's face was replaced by bitterness immediately. Originally, these two people were members of his Avengers.

They can cooperate like this.

It can be seen that my eyesight is not bad at all.

And At the moment.

Green Goblin Osborn on the tall building finally saw what happened (okay).

"I see, I understand that NASA's spacecraft had an accident and fell from outer space. w

"So let Tony help them intercept..."

After thinking about it, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Green Goblin Osborn's mouth under the mask.

"Tony Stark, I've been crushed by both of you father and son's accomplishments."

"If this operation fails..."

"Are people going to be disappointed in you Iron Man?"

As he said that, Green Goblin Osborn took out a pumpkin bomb from his backpack, then got on his flight device and flew towards Tony.

"Sir, the acceleration of the spacecraft has slowed down and entered the predetermined orbit."

"Spider-man has also built a good elastic material."

Tony, At the moment in the Mark X5 also started to have slight sweat stains on his forehead, although the Mark Armor can effectively insulate heat.

But it can't completely cut off the heat transfer.

Not to mention this kind of ultra-high temperature and high heat.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, how much energy is left?"

"There is still thirty percent of the energy left."

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. If the second-generation reactor is used in this situation, the energy may be exhausted for certain purposes.

"Adjust the bottom line to 10%, and leave enough for us to go back."

"All the rest is added to the propulsion device, and continues to slow down the NASA spacecraft. . . . "

"Okay sir..."

The flanks behind Tony once again erupted with violent propulsion flames, and the speed of the spaceship's landing slowed down again.

Suburban location.

Gwen looked up in Tony's direction.

Today's Ghost 4 has even added the function of a telephoto lens, which can quickly help Gwen lock to a distant position.

"Red queen, land at the current speed [can my spider web continue?"

"That's all right, Miss Gwynn."

With the affirmation of the Red Queen, Gwen instantly felt relieved: "Then let's find another place to hide first."


"what is that?"

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