American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 107 Sleepless Night, Ninja vs. Biochemical Weapons

Some of these javos that have lost their heads have grown upper bodies like locusts, and some have grown something like the tail of a bee.

After the new heads appeared, they launched a new offensive towards Yuhi Kurenai.

"What kind of monster is this!"

Yuhi Hong had never seen such a monster before. She was so frightened that she quickly backed away and distanced herself.

Not just her, other ninjas also encountered the same situation.

Those javo monsters, which are different from zombies, have amazing regeneration capabilities.

When the hand is broken, something like a sickle, shield or tentacle grows.

When the legs are abolished, they become wings, or spider legs or grasshopper legs.

Some may even suddenly emit large amounts of mucus, turning their entire bodies into pupae.

Then a monster even more terrifying than before emerged from the inside of the pupa!

Such a changeable and more dangerous monster is undoubtedly particularly capable of destroying the minds of others.

Some genin and even chuunin were so frightened that they could no longer fight.

Making the situation even more confusing.

The number of casualties is constantly increasing.

"Damn it, how could this happen! Where did this monster come from!"

After Tsunade killed some monsters, she looked around in shock.

Through seeing and hearing Se Haki, she keenly sensed that many life reactions were disappearing rapidly.

This made her very anxious.

"Are you anxious, Tsunade?"

Just then a voice came.

Tsunade turned around immediately after hearing this, only to see Orochimaru appear in front of her.

"Orochimaru! This is your fault!"

Tsunade shouted in shock.

"Yes, remember the C virus I got? All of this is the product of that thing. It can not only transform life into a terrifying biological weapon, but also bring about a new evolution!"

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he flicked his right hand, and his arm exploded instantly, turning into countless venomous snakes that seemed to be made of flesh and blood.

"Look, this is my brand new posture. I no longer belong to humans, but I can still retain my human appearance. There is no more perfect evolution than this. I am much stronger now than before!"

Orochimaru looked excited, immersed in the surge in strength.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, Tsunade rushed in front of Orochimaru with a roar, her entire arm was covered with armed haki, and huge chakra was compressed in it.

I saw Tsunade's fist bombarding Orochimaru's body like a cannonball!

The pile of venomous snakes didn't even touch Tsunade's fist, and were directly crushed into pieces by the terrifying fist wind!

"Stop talking nonsense to me!"

Tsunade's face was filled with rage, and she was surrounded by a domineering aura that made her look like a devil who had just crawled out of hell.

"It's just turning yourself into a monster. Talking about evolution, I think you are mentally ill!"

After Tsunade finished speaking, she stamped on the ground suddenly, causing countless cracks to spread toward Orochimaru.

Orochimaru immediately told him to move aside to avoid the terrible impact.

But the next second, Tsunade seemed to have anticipated his movements and came to his side in advance.

"Look at me!!\

,"Tsunade directly greeted him with a punch, punched Orochimaru in the chest, and knocked him away a long distance.

It won't stop until it collapses an empty house.

"I don't care whether you evolve or not. In short, you are the enemy now. It's your fault that the village is like this."

Tsunade had an angry look on her face, and she couldn't suppress the fire in her eyes.

"As the fifth generation Hokage, I must eliminate you!"

"Hahaha! As expected of Tsunade, she is so powerful, and you also have new powers. Is that domineering?"

Orochimaru emerged from the rubble, and Tsunade made a huge hole in his body.

If it were ordinary people, they would have died long ago. Only Orochimaru could stay alive by relying on the terrifying vitality of the C-virus.

"What an amazing vitality!"

Tsunade's eyes changed when she saw such terrifying vitality. Even her top medical ninjutsu couldn't compare to such vitality.

"Damn it, now is not the time to fight with him."

Tsunade looked around at the situation and saw that the casualties were quite heavy, which made her want to summon slugs quickly and use medical ninjutsu to support everyone.

"Do you want to save people? It suits your character very well, but I won't let you go smoothly."

As Orochimaru spoke, a strange purple gas emitted from his whole body.


Orochimaru exhaled a puff of purple energy, flying out like a cannonball and hitting a ninja who was killing zombies.


The next second, the ninja showed a particularly painful expression, veins popped out all over his body, and then his body began to mutate and turned into a zombie.

"See, this is one of my powers. My whole body can continuously emit C virus gas. As long as I inhale this gas, I will turn into these monsters. Ah, I call them zombies."

When Orochimaru said this, he showed a rather cold smile, which made people feel particularly uncomfortable.

"You can leave me alone and save people, but I will continue to release gas and infect everyone in Konoha. Now that Jiraiya is not here and you ignore me, who can stop me."

As soon as Orochimaru finished speaking, Tsunade immediately rushed in front of him, gathering all her strength to lower her fist.


This punch is like a missile exploding!

It produces extremely terrifying destructive power, lifting the ground around it!

When the dust settled, Tsunade's fist clung to the ground, and then she immediately looked not far away.

I saw a ball of milky white liquid pouring out from the gap somewhere, and then condensed into a human form, revealing Orochimaru's appearance again!

"It seems you have made a decision, so try to stop me."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, smoke erupted from his body.

When the smoke cleared, Orochimaru was nowhere to be found.

"Damn it!"

Tsunade cursed with a dark look on her face, then looked around, looking for Orochimaru with her Haki.

Now she can only put aside the idea of ​​large-scale healing.

Get rid of Orochimaru first.

In a building, Danzo Shimura watched everything happening on the street in a dark room.

Zombies dig through human bodies, take out the internal organs and feast on them.

The screams of the villagers.

Danzo saw everything, but Danzo looked unmoved, as if he didn't see it at all.

"Danzo-sama, should we take action? The situation is developing very seriously. If this continues, Konoha may be doomed."

A ninja next to him reported the current situation.

"No, we don't need to interfere, just leave it to Tsunade."

However, Danzo didn't have any intention of taking action.

"Tell all the root members to wait and see what happens and not to interfere. This is a great opportunity to remove Tsunade from power, eliminate other forces, and allow me to take over."

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