Luffy: "I feel that Morohoshidan is a good person and can be trusted."

Naruto: "I think so too."

Diana: "Are you children? Ah, Naruto is indeed a child, but how can you believe that Luffy is a pirate?"

Luffy: "Hey, I won't lie to you."

Akainu: "Hmph, the pirate's words are not worthy of belief at all."

Sun Wukong: "Is it strange that aliens protect the earth? I am an alien too, and I have Piccolo."

Piccolo: "I'm not protecting the Earth! Sooner or later I will get the Earth!"

Sun Wukong: "Oh, I said that again."

Natasha: "I can only say that not everyone in the universe is trustworthy."

In Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.

Nick Fury had a gloomy look on his face. If aliens appeared among his subordinates, he would definitely have to be very vigilant, let alone hand over power.

This involves the protection of the earth. How can we let an alien take the lead?

It seems that the upper-level personnel of that universe have not noticed this. If he were in that universe, he would definitely place various agents to monitor the stars and Fengyuan.

"What a mess. Hey, wait a minute, there are aliens in our universe. The God of Thunder has also appeared, as well as the Strohus from the past. So how many cosmic people are there on our planet now?"

Nick Fury couldn't help but squint his eyes and think about so many questions, feeling that he still had a lot to do.

In the DC Universe, Bruce Wayne looked helplessly at Naruto and Luffy's speeches, how could he say such stupid speeches.

Either you are strong enough to protect yourself after speaking, or you are really stupid, or you are both.

Leo Universe.

Zhu Xingtuan doesn't care at all about what people in other universes think. Anyway, they are not in the same universe as him, so their thoughts are nothing.

Zhuhoshidan then looked at the blocked stairwell behind him. As long as this thing didn't get close, it would be fine. It was quite easy to deal with.

But the IKEA supermarket that was playing on the screen made him very concerned. It was an infinite space, and he didn't know where it would appear. “Now predict the universe where IKEA supermarkets will emerge.”

The next second the electronic sound sounded a prediction, and everyone looked at the screen nervously waiting for the result.

"The universes that will appear are DC Universe Gotham City, Doraemon World Universe and Naruto Universe."

The electronic sound predicted the universe that would appear, and there were actually three of them.

Tony Stark: "What! There are actually three universes this time!"

Bruce Wayne: "My universe will also appear. Is it really the same as the diary in the previous video? This IKEA supermarket will appear in a different universe!"

Jiraiya: "Haha, isn't that interesting?"

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, what are you talking about?"

Jiraiya: "The rewards the Star Clans received just now were just for blocking the entrance to the stairwell. That means that if we block the IKEA supermarket and don't let anyone get close, we can get the reward without spending any effort. , isn’t it very simple?”

Naruto: "Yeah! You're so smart, lustful sage!"

Jiraiya: "Why am I so smart? I'm already very smart!"

Doraemon: "That makes sense."

Warring States: "Damn it, why are you so lucky?"

The navy headquarters in the pirate world couldn't help but feel jealous.

Why can there be such easy-to-contain objects in other universes? This is a great opportunity to get rewards and improve your strength for free!

Why don't their naval headquarters have such luck?

Nick Fury also thinks so.

He wished that his side would be as strong as possible. Watching others get rewards in vain would be more uncomfortable than losing the rewards himself.

Hey, wait a minute, he himself doesn’t have any rewards, so that’s even more uncomfortable.

Jiraiya: "Hehe, I'm sorry, it seems we have to go ahead of you."

"The locations announced now are Gotham City in the DC universe, Mangtaiyuan City in the Doraemon world, and Sand Ninja Village in the Naruto world."

After hearing what was announced on the screen, both Bruce Wayne and Doraemon breathed a sigh of relief. They happened to be very close to them. On the contrary, the expressions of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Naruto became quite uneasy. Not on their side of Konoha Ninja Village!

Naruto: "Are you kidding me? Why is your appearance so close and ours so far away!"

Tsunade: "I mean, you guys are so lucky!"

Doraemon: "We can't control this kind of thing."

Bruce Wayne: "That's not the point. It's the Ninja Village. I don't know what's going on in this mall. Isn't something going to happen?"

Tsunade: "If it's just those so-called employees who can't threaten Suna Ninja Village, there may be large-scale disappearances. If not, I have to go to Suna Ninja Village and tell them about it!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it sounds so nice, but it's just for the reward."

Tsunade: "I want you to mind your own business."

Shizune: "But Tsunade-sama, what should we do with the affairs in the village? As Hokage, you can't just leave."

Jiraiya: "Then leave it to me. I'll be outside anyway."

Naruto: "And me! And me, this kind of good thing can't be exclusive to the lustful immortal!"

At this moment, the screen image changed, and the locations of IKEA stores in the three universes appeared.

"Well, this is it."

When Bruce Wayne saw this, he immediately wanted to take action, but then he saw something unexpected.

On the screen, Alfred actually appeared in front of that shopping mall.

"Huh? Why is there an extra shopping mall here? When was it built?"

Alfred looked at the shopping mall in front of him in confusion, but couldn't find any relevant information in his memory.

"No matter, since it's newly opened, let's go in and have a look. It's been a long time since I visited a mall."

Alfred simply entered the mall on a whim.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, Bruce's pupils dilated and couldn't help but scream. He remembered giving Alfred a day off today, but he didn't expect that Alfred would appear in front of the IKEA store and go in!

Not only Alfred, but also some residents of Gotham City couldn't help but want to go there after seeing the newly opened shopping mall.

"Damn it!"

Bruce took action immediately and quickly took out two mobile phones to make calls.

"Hey, Director Gordon, please help me block off a street. The address is."

Bruce Wayne looked at the street displayed on the screen and entrusted Gordon to block it. He immediately aroused confusion on the other side and didn't understand what this playboy wanted to do.

"Please, if it's an emergency, just think that my mother's jewelry has been dropped and can't be found there. I'm afraid of being trampled to pieces, so please help me seal it off!"

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