"Master Ai, is this your imagination?"

Nozomi said confused.

"Illusion, maybe. Hmm!"

At this moment, Ai suddenly looked towards the corner. He seemed to have seen some shadow flying past.

"Am I dazzled?"

Ai frowned in confusion, but when he shifted his gaze, he saw another afterimage passing by.

The afterimage ran directly between several people. The strange thing was that those people didn't seem to see it.

"Hey! Did you see anything strange flying by?"

Ai shouted and questioned.

"Huh? No?"

Everyone was confused about this and didn't see anything strange at all.

"No, some shadow passed by."

At this time, Samyi made a serious sound. Like Ai, she caught a glimpse of something.

"Hey! Did you also see it? I was so tired that I saw two or three shadows passing by the corners of my eyes."

"What more than one!"

When Ai heard this, his expression changed instantly, and then he suddenly lifted the table with force, exerted force on his arms, electric arcs pulsed all over his body, and pulled hard.

The sturdy table, which was more than ten meters long, was directly exploded into countless pieces by him, shooting out in all directions like a heavy rain!


This frightened many people and dispersed with their heads held in their hands. Everyone looked confused and had no idea what was going on.

Ai looked around seriously, arcs of electricity pulsating all over his body.


Then he caught a glimpse of something running past him from the corner of his eye, and immediately disappeared.

When he appeared, he punched out, and the terrifying punch was filled with the explosive power of thunder and lightning, directly exploding the surrounding floors and walls.


Ai was shocked to find that the thing was able to evade his full-speed attack, and immediately disappeared in place and began to move around the conference room at high speed, setting off a fierce small storm here.

"Ah! Raikage-sama, what are you doing!"

"What happened!"

The other jounin were crushed to the ground by the storm, unable to move, and had no idea what the situation was.

"You can't see it, you'll find out later!"

While Ai was talking, he attacked countless times, tearing down the good building with holes everywhere and scaring the people around him to flee.

When a third of the building was demolished and Ai landed on the ground, the corpses of several visual beasts fell around him.

These visual fantasy beasts could initially capture Ai's thought waves and move at high speed.

However, Ai's speed behind them became faster and faster, making it impossible for them to move quickly and in a targeted manner even if they caught it, and they were finally caught up.

"What are these things? Are they some new psychic beasts? Or Orochimaru's C-virus monster?"

Ai looked at these corpses with an annoyed look. Although he didn't know what they were, everyone would be very unhappy if they were invaded under his nose like this!

What's more, these monsters are actually so fast, no worse than him.

If it were any other ninja, even an elite jounin, they would probably be difficult to deal with.

When he thought of this, Ai's face turned particularly ugly.

"Lord Raikage!"

At this time, other ninjas ran over. When they saw the corpses, they all showed surprise. When did this appear?

"do not come!"

Ai's expression suddenly changed and he roared.

Before he could finish his words, the bodies of the running ninjas were all penetrated. The speed of all this was so fast that no one could see clearly what was being penetrated. The only thing that could be seen was that he was slowly falling down.


At the same time, there was a strange chirping sound all around.

If you listen carefully, you can feel the strong murderous intention and anger.

"Whoa, what a bunch of bastards!"

Ai looked around angrily. In his field of vision, there were several afterimages running back and forth.

"Do you want to avenge your companions? Then you will die here!"

After Ai roared, extremely violent lightning erupted from his body.

At this time, Kirigakure Village.

Mei Terumi was taking a beauty sleep and was unaware of the situation around her.

"Hee hee hee"

At this time, there were three invisible uninvited guests in her room. They were the sleep killers.

The Sleep Killers were moving their bodies, which were taller than ordinary people, skinny and hairless, with visible bones all over their bodies, around Terumi Mei.

Twisting her clawed hands, she absorbed Terumi Mei's sleep.

When they absorb more, they keep making weird laughter, as if they are thinking about how to torment people who can't sleep.


Terumi Mei was worthy of being a Kage-level figure. She immediately noticed something strange and opened her eyes and stood up quickly.

However, the three sleep killers did not panic at all. Instead, they stood nearby with weird smiles. They were very confident in their invisibility and believed that they would never be discovered.

"Huh? Invisible, so what if that's the case."

Terumi Mei seemed to understand something and smiled.

"Boiling Escape! The Art of Qiao Mist!"

I saw Mei Terumi opening her mouth wide and spitting out thick white gas.

When the white gas appears, the temperature in the room instantly increases many times.

This is one of Terumi Mei's two major blood succession limits, the boiling escape!


The terrifying mist corroded everything seen with the naked eye as soon as it came into contact with the surroundings, and then a sharp scream came out of thin air.

At this moment, the three sleep killers could no longer hide their figures and could only be exposed.

They were originally skinny, but now their entire bodies were corroded into disgrace, with almost no skin or muscles, and only rotting bones could be seen.


Although Terumi Mei was mentally prepared, she didn't expect that the other person was not a human being, so she had to look stunned.


When these three sleep killers saw that they were exposed, they simply waved their claws and rushed towards Terumi Mei to attack!

"Water escape! Water dragon bullet!"

However, Terumi Mei was faster and directly used ninjutsu to blast the three sleep killers out of the door, causing them to lose their combat effectiveness instantly.

Such movement naturally attracted many ninjas to check, and they all looked confused when they saw this scene.

"Mizukage-sama! What happened!"

Chojuro hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"I don't know, huh? It's strange, why do you all have thick dark circles under your eyes?"

Terumi Mei was confused when she noticed that some of the ninjas had obvious dark circles under their eyes.

"I don't know. We were supposed to take a nap after we came back from the mission, but we didn't know why we couldn't sleep."

Chojuro shook his head in confusion. He was yawning again and again, but he couldn't fall asleep no matter what.

This made Terumi Mei feel very strange, and she always felt that someone was watching her secretly.

Thinking of the situation just now, her expression changed.

"Everyone jump out of the window immediately! Escape!"

Terumi Mei made a prompt decision and directly used the Boil Release. The expressions of Chojuro and others changed. Although they didn't know what was going on, they all followed suit.

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