American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 17 Successful containment, rewards for three people

Kama Taj

The magic apprentices were all shocked by Garp's performance. Before, they could still accept the Devil Fruit's abilities. After all, they gained power by accepting knowledge other than humans, and they did the same thing.

But Garp can actually develop this kind of power on his own, and people from the Dragon Ball universe and Naruto universe can also do it. This is too outrageous!

"Master Gu Yi, are the differences between different universes so big?"

Modu asked in disbelief.

At this time, Gu Yi kept shaking his fan and opened his mouth slightly. He was also shocked. He came back to his senses after hearing Mo Du's inquiry.

"The multiverse is infinite, and different universes have different rules. It seems that those people's universe rules are different, and they can train humans on earth to the point of destroying the surface of the earth."

Ancient One explained, which made the other mages couldn't help but open their mouths.


The Asgardians were all shocked by Garp's performance. In their perception, the people on Earth were very weak and not a single opponent for them.

But this Garp's performance is outrageous.

Thor was stunned. He had thought that if he faced Garp's fist, would he still be safe?

It doesn't seem to work.

"Brother, the humans in the pirate world are very powerful. Do you think you can beat them?"

At this time, Loki asked with a smirk.

"Of course! I am the most powerful warrior in Asgard! How could I be afraid of mere earthlings!"

Thor immediately regained his confidence and shook the hammer to encourage himself.

He couldn't act cowardly in front of his younger brother.

leo world

Fengyuan and the Star Clusters

Looking at the picture in disbelief. Is this the power of earthlings? It is too much beyond their understanding.

"If all the people on earth in our universe were as strong as Garp, they wouldn't be afraid of monsters and aliens!"

Fengyuan couldn't help but think excitedly.

"That's not possible, our situation is different."

Zhu Xingtuan immediately shook his head and rejected this idea. He believed in the potential of people on earth, but it was still too exaggerated to this point.

Fengyuan nodded in agreement. Garp's attack gave him an inspiration.

Leo has very little energy and cannot use light skills often, so he is not suitable for distance combat.

If he could punch from a distance like Garp and destroy his opponent with shock waves, he would undoubtedly make up for the distance problem.

Then Fengyuan couldn't help but imagine that when he performed the Leo Flying Kick, his feet hadn't even landed yet, and the impact was the first to crush his opponent.

Thinking of this, Fengyuan clenched his fists hard. If people on earth can do it, then he must also be able to do it!

Doraemon world.

"Doraemon, can I also train to that point?"

Nobita asked starry-eyed.

If he was as powerful as Garp, he wouldn't be afraid of Fat Tiger, and he could even win Shizuka's heart.

"You think too much. Humans in our universe can't exercise to that extent."

Doraemon immediately rejected the idea.

After hearing this, Nobita had to hang his head in disappointment.

At this time, Garp and his friends were on their side.

"What a terrible monster."

Qingzhi looked at the carnivorous vines solemnly. This was the first time he had seen such a terrifying monster. Even Garp's iron fist could not completely destroy it.

"After I go back, I have to ask Warring States what is going on. When I asked him just now, he said it was a containment object and another universe. I couldn't understand it at all."

After Garp landed, he tilted his head and looked at the vines in the ice with a confused expression.

"So Mr. Karp, what should we do with that guy?"

At this time, Qing Pheasant pointed at Ace not far away and asked.

When it was frozen just now, he deliberately avoided Ace. Ace relied on his own flames to withstand the freezing air.

But it also consumes more energy.

After hearing this, Garp looked at Ace with a gloomy expression.

He had received an order from the Warring States Period to capture Ace alive.

He knew very well what would happen if he caught Ace, but the responsibility of the navy made him unable to let the pirate go, and he had to clenched his fists in confusion.

"The containment of the carnivorous vine was successfully contained, and rewards were distributed. The main contributors are Kuzan and Garp, and the secondary contributors are Ace."

At this moment, the voice appeared in the ears of Garp, Aoki and Ace.

The sudden sound forced them to look around vigilantly.

"Distribute rewards, Garp gets the Ox Talisman, Aoki Pheasant gets absolute zero freezing air, and Ace's flame evolves into Three Thousand Flames Flame!"

After the sound ends.

Aoki and Ace felt that there was a lot more information in their minds, and Garp had something in his hand.

"The Cow Talisman, as long as it is worn on the body, can increase the user's power hundreds of times!"

"Absolute zero is the theoretically lowest temperature in physics. Once it reaches this realm, any energy ceases to exist and everything freezes."

"Three Thousand Flames, a flame born in the starry sky, can absorb the power of stars to strengthen itself, and the Three Thousand Flames have amazing self-healing capabilities. As long as important vital points are not damaged, any injury can be recovered, also known as Immortal body.”

After the sound ends.

Ace felt as if his flame had really changed. A manic emotion arose in his heart, and he wanted to vent it out.


Ace couldn't help but roared up to the sky, and his whole body erupted with extremely violent purple flames, which looked particularly strange.

When the flames appeared, Ace felt that his previous injuries and lost physical strength were constantly recovering.


Qing Pheasant realized that the flame was filled with extremely terrifying dangers, and did not dare to be careless at all, and immediately released cold air to resolve it.

At this moment, he unexpectedly realized that his chill was even colder than before. He could swear that he had never been so cold before!

The flames immediately turned into frost before they even touched their own cold air.

"I don't know what happened, but goodbye, old man!"

After Ace finished speaking, he quickly turned into flames and rose into the sky. He finally regained his freedom. Naturally, he had to run as far as possible to avoid being caught.

He now feels that the threat posed by Aoki Pheasant and Garp is many times greater than before!

You can't stay here until you figure out your own changes!

"Ace! Don't even think about running away!"

When Garp saw Ace actually trying to run away, he couldn't help but punched in anger.

At this moment, the Ox Talisman burst out with dazzling light. Garp punched and fired an air cannon like a missile, catching up with Ace in an instant.


A thunderous explosion sounded. After Ace was hit, he fell like a wounded bird, blood spurting out from his mouth.

At this moment, the Three Thousand Flames came into play, immediately restoring Ace's injuries, allowing him to continue flying quickly.

Garp didn't continue to care about Ace, but looked at his fist and the cow charm with a confused expression. Why did he suddenly become more powerful?

His punch just now didn't have much power, but why did it suddenly improve so much? Is it because of this cow charm?

"Lieutenant General Garp, do you want to continue chasing Fire Fist Ace?"

Aoki asked after calming down.

"That kid has flown so far and can't catch up, so forget it!"

Garp immediately found a reason to refuse, and Qingzhi could only shrug helplessly after hearing this.

"And this plant is even more threatening, and there are those called the Blackbeard Pirates."

After Garp finished speaking, he looked at the Blackbeard Pirates who were frozen together not far away, and couldn't help but reveal murderous intent in his eyes.

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