American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 204 The next containment object, the epidemic doctor

"What! They all appeared in our world! And they are so far apart!"

After Bruce Wayne saw the predicted results, he couldn't help but scream.

He immediately searched the map.

Central City is a bit far from Gotham City, but you can get there within a day.

But Iceland is very far away. It is frozen and snowed all year round, so planes cannot get close to it. You have to get off the plane nearby and transfer to a car or horseback, which will take a very long time!

Bruce Wayne: "Damn! These two places are too far away from me. When Diana and I arrive, there will definitely be many victims, and I don't know what will happen!"

Doraemon: "Isn't there a design for the arbitrary door I gave you? Haven't you made it yet?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm ashamed to say that I didn't understand some parts of that design. I made a lot of them, but they basically exploded and couldn't be used. The most successful one was that I couldn't control it and couldn't go where I wanted to go. "

Doraemon: "The arbitrary door is so complicated. Even if you have a design drawing, it is difficult to make it 100%."

Tony Stark: "It depends on who it is. If it were me, I would be able to make it in a matter of seconds if I have the design drawings!"

Diana: "Now is not the time to talk about this."

Diana has taken up the Sword of Victory and the Sword of Vulcan.

"I'm going to Central City, and you use the yellow light ring to make a plane to go to Iceland. I think the speed will be much faster than an ordinary plane."

Bruce Wayne, who was originally in trouble, only remembered that his yellow light ring had power beyond imagination after hearing what Diana said.

It is indeed possible to make a faster aircraft.

"That can only be like this, but there are humanoid monsters here in Gotham."

Bruce Wayne, still remembers what's going on in Gotham City.

The threats of humanoid monsters and mimicking beasts have not been completely eliminated, and there are still many criminals who take the opportunity to cause trouble. If he really leaves Gotham City, he can only rely on the Darkwing Bat to maintain order temporarily.

"It can only be this way!"

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne walked to the mirror, picked up the card box and summoned the Darkwing Bat to appear.

"While I'm away from Gotham City, Gotham City is asking you to remember not to eat people. Just knock criminals unconscious when you see them."

Bruce Wayne warned the Darkwing Bat to be careful and made sure it was clear before letting him go if there was no problem.

Bruce Wayne and Diana immediately left Batman's base.

"Want me to give you a ride!"

As Bruce Wayne spoke, a plane was being created out of the yellow light ring.

"No, Central City and Iceland are not on the same road!"

At this time, Diana had put on the armor of her female warrior.

Then it flew a long distance with a slight jump.

"Master, it seems that your ability to date girls is not very good."

Alfred teased from the side.

"Now is not the time to talk about that."

Bruce Wayne just wanted to give him a blank stare, and then immediately reach the plane made of yellow lights and fly into the sky.

At this time, the two containment objects had appeared underground in Iceland and Central City, and began to make trouble according to their own habits.

In Iceland, a young man was struggling through the snowy mountains to sell the fish he caught.


At this moment, he found a man standing not far in front of him who was completely covered in mountaineering clothing and wearing goggles.

"Hey! Do you need help!"

The young man shouted at the man, whom he thought was just an ordinary hiker.

The other party did not speak, but slowly approached the young man.

The young man looked at the visitor in confusion. When he noticed the other person's goggles, his expression suddenly became dazed.

I don’t know why, but I followed the other person and disappeared into the heavy snow.

Central City is quite prosperous, but also has a lot of crime.

A man with a boomerang had just stabbed Wang's accomplice in the back and came out of the jewelry store, preparing to flee the scene of the crime.

But at this moment he suddenly felt a vibration on the ground.

However, the range and frequency of vibrations are getting bigger and bigger! Almost covering the entire central city!

That night everyone was awakened by the sudden earthquake and was in great panic.

"What the hell is going on!"

The man holding the boomerang anxiously held the jewelry he had snatched and looked around in panic, not knowing what to do.

But in the next second, the ground beneath his feet suddenly exploded, and a big hand stretched out, grabbed him, and then pulled him into the ground.

Both situations are clearly visible to all viewers through the screen.

Barton: "Those two containment objects have already taken action. When they arrive, I don't know how many people will be killed."

Nick Fury: "There should be an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. in their world, which can quickly arrange personnel to deal with emergencies around the world, so they won't be so passive."

Tony Stark: "Oh, really, why didn't you agree to plant a bunch of spies for personal gain?"

Nick Fury: "Hey, we're on the same page now!"

Tony Stark: "No, you are inviting me, not me committing myself to you."

Zhu Xingtan: "Anyway, I hope Bruce and Diana can arrive as soon as possible, and the number of victims of the organization will continue to increase."

["Now we have to predict the next containment object—the epidemic doctor!\

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