Seeing this, Abel quickly and continuously waved his sword, firing out sword energy one after another, cutting off the falling Qigong bullets.

Then Abel jumped up suddenly and approached Piccolo as fast as a rocket.

Piccolo quickly retreated and distanced himself from Abel.

Abel immediately brandished his black sword, slashing out a storm-like sword energy that tore through the sky and rushed straight towards Piccolo!

Facing this move, Piccolo pushed forward with both hands without hesitation, erupting a powerful shock wave to offset the sword energy.

When Piccolo used the shock wave to neutralize the sword energy, Abel put the black sword under his feet, and then used it as a pedal to jump out with all his strength!

When he did this, the black sword disappeared instantly.

However, the next second, Abel took out the same big sword from an unknown space.

He waved hard and cut off the shock wave in front of him. He was in front of Piccolo in an instant and pierced his chest with a sword!

"Damn it! What kind of sword is this!"

Piccolo looks quite bad. This sword is quite powerful. Being able to ignore his shock wave is the most difficult part!


However, Piccolo would not sit still and simply cut off Abel's hands with his sword, causing his sword to leave him immediately, causing him to disappear instantly.

Finally, Piccolo used a flying kick to kick Abel to the ground.

"Hahahaha! So strong! So strong!"

Abel had a ferocious look on his face and stood up while laughing.

Even though his hands were bleeding continuously, he never gave up the fight, and instead became more and more crazy.

At this time, Klin and the others had already taken Sun Wukong to a safer location.

"Oh my god, this guy named Abel is so powerful, he can actually push Piccolo to that point!"

Krillin watched the battle in disbelief.

On Earth, besides Sun Wukong, Piccolo is the strongest.

Let Klin have an understanding of Abel's strength.

"It's really amazing. Is this the so-called demigod? I don't know how much power he has been sealed."

Sun Wukong looked at Abel, he paid attention to the information on the screen.

Know the general situation of Abel.

It is very clear that the strength Abel is showing now is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

But this did not scare Sun Wukong, but made him feel intense excitement.

That is the desire and excitement for the strong.

If he weren't exhausted now and didn't have the fairy beans to recover, he really wanted to go out in person and fight Abel!


I saw Abel actually conjuring a black sword out of thin air again, and he still bit it with his mouth.

Then he rushed towards Piccolo.


Piccolo quickly and continuously launched Qigong bomb attacks.

At this time, Abel immediately changed his tactics.

The body rotates like a top, using this to drive the whole body's strength, swing the sword, and the whole body turns into a tornado filled with sword energy, shredding all the approaching Qigong bombs, while increasing the flying speed, approaching Piccolo.


When Abel was about to touch him, Piccolo shouted to the sky and opened his hands. In the next second, every part of his body erupted with terrifying energy, impacting the surroundings like a volcanic eruption.

Knocking away the approaching Abel.

Abel was knocked thousands of meters away, crashed through many hills before he came to a stop and landed on the ground.

"It hurts. People in this universe have strange powers."

Abel shook his whole body and stood up slowly. He felt as if his whole body was falling apart.

But the fighting spirit did not diminish at all. The stronger the opponent, the more excited he became. Moreover, he saw power that he had never seen before, and he seemed to be able to master it.

He felt that if he kept fighting, he would be able to figure out Piccolo's fighting style.

"Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon!"

Just then the sound of the piccolo sounded.

When Abel raised his head when he heard the sound, he saw a spear-like light coming straight towards him. Before he could react, his head was penetrated directly.

The body fell down weakly.

"Haha, finally killed."

Piccolo floated in the air and kept panting, looking at the dead Abel.

"Great! The containment object has been eliminated!"

Leping shouted excitedly when he saw this.

"No, not yet."

However, Sun Wukong shook his head.

"The man named Abel will be resurrected indefinitely. Just killing him is not enough."

"What, what should we do? An enemy that can't be killed but can keep resurrecting!"

When Tianjin Fan thinks about this, he feels very bad.


Sun Wukong couldn't think of any good solution and could only look at Piccolo.

One thing he had to admit was that Piccolo was much smarter than him.

Piccolo looked at Abel's body that was reduced to ashes, and then looked around.

"Where is that guy's coffin? We have to find that coffin first!"

After Piccolo thought of this, he immediately flew around, trying to find the coffin that kept Abel resurrected.

"You can see it by continuing to fly to your left."

Just then, the words of God came to Piccolo's mind.

"Well, you actually took the initiative to find me. It's really rare."

Piccolo replied with a sneer.

"I'm doing this for the Earth. This guy named Abel is quite dangerous."

The god replied.

"Humph, don't think that I will be grateful to you."

After Piccolo finished speaking, he adjusted his direction and accelerated his flight speed.

Klin and the others quickly followed with Sun Wukong.

After everyone saw the fight between Abel and Piccolo, they had to think something about it.

Odin: "The strength shown by Abel is completely different from what is described on the screen!"

Ancient One: "It can only be said that the time difference is too far, or the humans in the containment universe cannot use ours to judge."

Kizaru: "I'm suddenly glad that this guy didn't appear in our universe, otherwise we might not be able to deal with him."

Whitebeard: "Indeed, that sword seems to be able to defeat all attacks."

El Cid: "I really want to see for myself how powerful this sword is and how it compares to my holy sword."

Diana: "I'm a little interested too."

Bruce Wayne: "Speaking of which, what happened to Cain?"

Tony Stark: "We're looking at every bar, we just don't know which one!"

At this time, Cain was in the bar, walking around at a loss.

Because he looks handsome and dresses differently from others, he naturally attracts the attention of many people.

More of them are women.

Many women came up to say hello to Cain and invited him to drink and dance.

But Cain politely refused.

Gradually I came to the bar, not knowing what to do.

"Is this your first time here?"

At this time, someone next to Cain asked him.

"Well, I don't even know why you are here."

Cain scratched his head and replied.

"Don't you know? It's the same as me. Why am I here? Why am I in this situation? I don't even know."

The man seemed drunk and couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke.

"Well, my name is Cain, what's your name?"

Cain saw something was wrong with the man and asked.

"My name is Bruce Banner."

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