American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 258 Hill’s Reward, Reality Distortion Cat

In fact, Hill didn't expect Cain to be so cooperative.

She saw the explanation on the screen and knew that Cain was not an ordinary person and had very powerful abilities.

If Cain really refused to cooperate, no one would be able to catch him with his ability to bounce back any and all damage.

So Hill had been worried just now, what if Cain didn't cooperate.

But now this worry disappears immediately.

"Hey, why do you want to go with them? These government agencies are not good things!"

Bruce Banner shouted anxiously to Cain. He didn't know Cain's situation, but he knew very well about the urine of government agencies.

At the same time, he also wondered, who was Cain and why was he targeted by the government?

"I have to go with them. My existence is not friendly to the whole world."

Cain shook his head helplessly.


This left Bruce Banner confused and even more confused, having no idea what Cain was talking about.

"Do you have any paper on you?"

Cain asked looking at Hill.

"Ah? Yes."

After hearing this, Hill took out a piece of paper and handed it to Cain.

Cain reached out and took it, and then an incredible scene occurred.

That is, this piece of paper turned yellow and rotten in an instant, and in the blink of an eye it turned into crumbs and scattered in the wind.

After seeing this, not only Bruce Banner and Hill, but also the people around them were extremely surprised.

"what have you done?"

Bruce Banner looked at Cain with a surprised look on his face, and his eyes were wandering around, trying to catch up with the fragments.

His scientific knowledge could not help him explain this phenomenon at all.

"This is my anomaly. As long as I come into contact with any creatures that rely on soil, or things made by these creatures, they will wither and rot instantly."

Cain explained with a helpless shrug.

"I can be said to be the nemesis of nature. As long as I appear anywhere, it will cause such a phenomenon and cause huge damage. Therefore, I must stay in a place without any soil biological components. This world cannot accommodate it. I."

What Cain said clearly sounded quite lonely and pitiful, but his tone had no such emotion at all, and was instead particularly calm.

"This this..."

Bruce Banner has a mouth and has no idea what to say.

He never expected that such a man who seemed elegant, easy-going, good at listening, and worthy of being a friend would have such strange and terrifying abilities.

Such an ability is enough to cause a devastating blow to human activities, such as food crisis, ecological crisis, etc. Bruce Banner can think of all kinds of human problems in an instant.

And these can be accomplished by just choosing which station Cain goes to.

In this case, it is indeed as he said, Cain cannot be accommodated by this world.

This is so sad and lonely!

Bruce Banner looked at Cain with sympathy.

He originally thought that turning into a green, ugly, and big monster would be hard enough.

But compared with Cain, he seems to be a little better.

At least he could live a normal life as long as he found a way to control his emotions, but it was simply impossible for Cain.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Bruce Banner asked, and then looked at Hill. He didn't think anything good would happen if Cain was taken to a government agency.

"Don't worry, if they know the seriousness of the situation, they won't do anything to us, and they can't do anything to me."

Cain is fearless about this. To be honest, as long as Cain wants to run away, SHIELD can't stop him at all.

"Banner, what happened to you is not the worst. Believe me, you still deserve to live a good life. Don't get drunk and give up on yourself."

After hearing Cain's words, Bruce Banner suddenly became confused. He had been avoiding things now and in the future. Now that he thought about it carefully, what should he do?

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, Hill coughed twice and planned to let Cain get on the plane first, and as for Bruce Banner.

Nick Fury has taken a fancy to Hulk's terrifying power and believes that it can play a major role in fighting against contained objects, so she must find a way no matter what, and follow her obediently as long as Bruce Banner is not angry.

Without Cain's help in persuasion, the two of them seemed to have a good relationship.

"Congratulations, Hill successfully took in Cain."

At this moment, the electronic sound from the screen came, and it was now assumed that Cain was successfully contained, and the credit was given to Hill, because it was Hill who put the handcuffs on Cain.

["Now randomly reward Hill, rewards from different universes, determine the reward, reality distortion cat.\

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